two new ADFs

pandora's lily

Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
in a chair...
just had to let everyone know,
i kept reading up on ADFs, everything i could click on ;) and i wanted to thank townprep, for asking all the questions i was gonna :p ...but my two ADFs are home now and happy in their 3 gallon tank, and all i can say is that they are the cutest things i have ever owned and i am so glad they're home with me. so thanks to everyone who posted info.
I've asked millions and millions of questions. :p And so far (knock on wood) mine are doing okay. They definitely are very very cute animals and I wouldn't trade mine for anything. I just hope they continue to do well. Every day I go to work and call home every few hours so someone will check on them. I'm sooooo pathetic :*) I always call just to make sure that they are alive and kickin cuz I'm completely paranoid I'm going to come home to a tank of dead frogs. :/ So far so good (knocks on wood again). I wish you the best of luck with yours and you have to post pictures! :D
i will definitely try to post pictures as soon as possible, but as i am probably the only one in the world without a digital camera, it might be a while... :rolleyes:

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