Tank size: 125ltr
pH: 7.6 (last time i checked)
tank temp:26
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Knight goby started to swim irraticly panting and gasping, then died very quickly. puffers havent been eating for 6 days now. one has stringly white poo with lumps in, this morning i found one of the other puffers upsidedown against the filter intake. when i tried to net him he moved but is sitting on the bottom, obviously on his way out. i did add a small box of aquarium salt to the tank over the last 2 days and they seemed happier but still wouldnt eat.
do i have some sort of parasite?
Volume and Frequency of water changes:30 ltrs weekly
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:Aquarium salt added after first death
Tank inhabitants: Knight goby (deceased), 3 figure 8 puffers (one to be deceased today)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):none
Exposure to chemicals: none
pH: 7.6 (last time i checked)
tank temp:26
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Knight goby started to swim irraticly panting and gasping, then died very quickly. puffers havent been eating for 6 days now. one has stringly white poo with lumps in, this morning i found one of the other puffers upsidedown against the filter intake. when i tried to net him he moved but is sitting on the bottom, obviously on his way out. i did add a small box of aquarium salt to the tank over the last 2 days and they seemed happier but still wouldnt eat.
do i have some sort of parasite?
Volume and Frequency of water changes:30 ltrs weekly
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:Aquarium salt added after first death
Tank inhabitants: Knight goby (deceased), 3 figure 8 puffers (one to be deceased today)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):none
Exposure to chemicals: none