Trying to immediately cycle a 15 gallon containing a betta


New Member
Oct 10, 2016
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In addition to this 15 gallon tank, I have a well-cycled 50 gallon. Can I take ceramic media laden with bacteria from my 50 gallon's canister filter and place them in the 15 gallon tank and expect it to be cycled by that? And I mean place the bacteria soaked media in the 15 gallon tank itself, not in the filter. I don't think there's room in there?

I have a betta in this tank and by himself he doesn't raise any ammonia so the tank won't cycle, but I want to add some pygmy cories so the tank will need to be cycled. And since I don't cycle with fish, I need to cycle immediately, as I have done before, just not exactly like this.

Thank you in advance
Next water change on your fifty, use that water in the fifteen, and use some other media from the fifty, and do parameter tests from there to see if its ok.
just wanted to add that the betta does release ammonia...
that's like saying im not peeing ever in my entire life.
You need to put the cycled media in the 15 gallon's filter; it won't do any good just sat in the tank. You can remove some of the current media, or cut it up; whatever works best.

There's no point using water from the big tank; the bacteria cling on to surfaces quite strongly and there won't be enough loose in the water to do anything useful.
Though I agree with fluttermoth, you do have a bit different scenario here. A lone Betta in a 15 gallon aquarium will most likely not have issues because there is sufficient water volume to fish. Floating plants would be the easiest solution. But the media won't hurt. I would place it in a mesh bag in front of the return from the filter so water is passing through it, if it won't fit in the filter itself. The Nitrosomonas sp bacteria take roughly 12 hours to multiply, and the Nitrospira sp. roughly 32 hours, once present and if ammonia/nitrite are sufficient. You won't see ammonia or nitrite with test kits, or shouldn't, here.


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