
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Just a message to Kaley 822, we are not all young and inexperienced , some of us actually enjoy working in the lfs. I admit to not knowing everything ( who does!) if a customer asks me something i dont know, i am honest enough to say i dont know , but then i fetch someone who does or go and find out the information.
Dont tar us all with the same brush :angry:
I have a petsmart near me that during the day time on week days has a very good staff. And there is 100's more around the world that has very good staff. But the thing that kills me is when they sale stuff in the store that MIGHT not be a good idea.

Whent to a LFS (mom pop store). And seen a piece of driftwood. Ask the owner if it could be put in a fish tank or if I needed to do something to it first. I was told no just rinse it off with some water and put it in there. So seeing that is was alot cheaper than I could even find in any other store I got it. Got to car and started reading the tag (dumb I know sould shop in the store not in your car). On the tag it read WARNING not for Aquariums, not to be used in fish tanks can be toxic to fish. So I took it back into the store to get my money back and the guy even after reading this told me no cash refunds on clearence, then stated telling me lots of people buy these and use them in fish tanks and in all other kinds of water set ups. So I ended up trading the driffwood back in on some food.

So I guess what I learned is that you should have a idea befor you buy.
Da_Oz said:
I have a petsmart near me that during the day time on week days has a very good staff. And there is 100's more around the world that has very good staff. But the thing that kills me is when they sale stuff in the store that MIGHT not be a good idea.

Whent to a LFS (mom pop store). And seen a piece of driftwood. Ask the owner if it could be put in a fish tank or if I needed to do something to it first. I was told no just rinse it off with some water and put it in there. So seeing that is was alot cheaper than I could even find in any other store I got it. Got to car and started reading the tag (dumb I know sould shop in the store not in your car). On the tag it read WARNING not for Aquariums, not to be used in fish tanks can be toxic to fish. So I took it back into the store to get my money back and the guy even after reading this told me no cash refunds on clearence, then stated telling me lots of people buy these and use them in fish tanks and in all other kinds of water set ups. So I ended up trading the driffwood back in on some food.

So I guess what I learned is that you should have a idea befor you buy.
hi da oz, i was wandering if petsmart is a good place to order stuff online from. im only asking bcuz i had sum bad luck with ordering things online n sumhow sum company got our number n started spending money.luckly the credit card company locked the account when sum1 tried to charge over$2000 on the card.n another company charged us for $207. my parents were very pissed off n almost made me pay for it. but i was asking because i saw a good deal on Magnum 350 pro canister system for $88.95 n i want it.thanks
I have never got anything online from them so I can't say. But I do buy stuff from them in the stores. Sorry to hear about your bad luck with online ordering.

But there is a store at 635 Vann Drive Jackson TN 38305-2093, don't know how far that is from you

Here is the phone # 901-661-0049
Much like any member of these forums, there's no one who knows everything and anyone who claims to is full of it and shouldn't be trusted. LFS's are definitely no exception and I don't think any of them try to come off as know-it-all's though there are the rare cases someone tries to but again, they shouldn't be trusted.

Unlike these forums however, they don't have bountiful resources on hand to check facts or verify them on the spot nor do they have someone to back them up or correct them on their mistakes. They're humans, not computers and they don't retain facts verbatim or never mix up their fish. They also have to sell the fish to stay in business so sometimes that means unscrupulous employees lie or mislead to make the sale.

I think they deserve a better break than many of the forum goers here realize. I'm not saying this thread is bashing or being overly negative, but there is a definite attitude and egotism that seems to permeate around here when it comes to LFS employees.
Unfortunately, when you meet 10 clueless or deceitful LFS employees to every 1 that's reasonably knowledgeable and honest, your opinion of LFS employees in general is not improved. It's not egotism or attitude, it's statistical reality for many of us. Try not to take it personally if you are one of the exceptions.
I used to work in an LFS, and of all the employees I've run across in stores that specialize (meaning not Wal-Mart or PetCo, PetSmart) most have been fairly reliable and capable employees. I've run into the clueless ones before too but I think some people exaggerate the problem more than the reality.
Da_Oz said:
I have never got anything online from them so I can't say. But I do buy stuff from them in the stores. Sorry to hear about your bad luck with online ordering.

But there is a store at 635 Vann Drive Jackson TN 38305-2093, don't know how far that is from you

Here is the phone # 901-661-0049
thanks da oz. i think i have been to petsmart in jackson, tn b4 but when i went into their store i didnt have money n my dad was being a pain in the ass cuz he wouldnt let me borrow any. he knew i was getting paid that day. Damn him. :angry: When i was their i went with my dad cuz his company got a call from a restuarant their n so i thought i would tag along n luckly their was a petsmart right next to them. I think it is a hour n a half from me n my dad wont drive up their for sum fish. :-(
I used to work in an LFS, and of all the employees I've run across in stores that specialize (meaning not Wal-Mart or PetCo, PetSmart) most have been fairly reliable and capable employees. I've run into the clueless ones before too but I think some people exaggerate the problem more than the reality.
I'm not exaggerating. The vast majority of LFS employees that i've talked to have been clueless, completely lacking in the most basic knowledge, and most of them just said whatever was needed to make the sale. There are a couple shining exceptions, but the 10 to 1 i listed earlier is about right in my experience. Perhaps the fish stores are better near you, but i suspect as someone who worked in the industry you aren't really objective about the shortcomings of most industry employees.

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