Trumpet Snail Question


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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I've just posted on the facebook site but reposting here aswell -

I have a trumpet snail that hitch-hiked in with a corydoras and it's been in my tank about 3 months or so now. I've just spotted a tiny version hiding in my substrate so I'm presuming it's had a baby.

I know so very little about trumpet snails so what I want to know is, will it of had more than one baby? or is one at a time it's limit?

I'd like to know so I can take more care when vacuuming the gravel

Thanks in advance :)
There is probably more than just the one, probably several
Although they aren't as prolific as some other snails, they multiply readily.
I have them in all my tanks & just use a turkey baster to remove the excess ones
I can give any excess ones away. My Dad has a tank over-run with algae and my neighbour has 2 4ft tanks - I'm sure they'll take a few tank cleaners!!

I'll keep my eyes open. I presume then that they don't lay eggs out of the water like I've seen on here? I thought that was how it worked with them but I've definitely not had anything like that.
They lay there eggs on the glass/decor/plants :good:

Oh right - I didn't know that! I like to learn new things so that's good.

I've not seen anything but then I don't know what the eggs look like. I can still only see the one baby but I'll keep my eyes open for more. My Dad's tank has an algae problem (his own fault - the light is on too long IMO) so I'll let a couple loose in there if possible
They don't lay eggs, they give birth to live young
They don't lay eggs, they give birth to live young

Oh, right ... ouch :shout: is all I can say to that!

Well, the one I have seen is now hiding again so gravel vac's will have to be done carefully and checked before thrown away
Lucky you! I had to buy mine :) They are great little snails - mine seem to have had a little baby boom so I am obviously feeding too much!
I have been adding slightly more food as the poor cories often go without much to eat. Also my apple snail has to compete with oto's for food.

I don't mind though if it means I get a few more trumpet snails :D They're cute lil guys after all
Keep them, they are a great asset. Hands down, best snail ever (above the nerite IME). You can limit their numbers through feeding. If the snails are multiplying rapidly you are over feeding :good:. That apple snail will cause more problems than your apple snail. MTS also don't touch plants (only the dead bits) and don't count toward your bio load.

Protip: if you want to keep your snails healthy keep your PH no lower than 7.5.

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