hello, i have just purchased 2 tropical red crabs from my local fish store, they are both about 3-4cm across, i was just wandering if anybody could give me any information on feeding etc...
first off, they are great critter to keep.
however. they need brackish water.
they need more land than water..
they will need a heat lamp (to heat the land area).
this said, even in a brackish community tank. crabs wont take fish. (though you will find then eating the result of ill or dying fish).
ideally they need a tank with 1/3 water and 2/3 land. so unless you have a vast tank, there aint much room for fish, anyway.
they can never be a community dweller, because they need a different environment.
you might like to ask your LFS, why they didn't tell you this when you bought the crabs.
and I'll bet they had them in a none brackish tank, with no access to land too?
the other line of thought here is. its vital to do your own research prior to buying any stock.
it will save you having to take them back. or worse still. watching them die in your tank. (which, on occasion, can take a surprisingly long time)