I've had this tank since christmas 2013 now and there have been about three bettas in there previously.
Caspar, of which I have a journal on here: http
/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/428166-caspers-brand-new-house/ , and then Whisper who was a pearl veiltail with blue tips on this fins. He was such an angel but soon dies and I only have a photo of him but couldn't find. There was also Royal who was a veiltail as well, he was royal blue and was a stunner but I then gave him to my girlfriend.
Today I went to the LFS and had an impulse buy, another betta.
At the moment I have two bettas in the house, Roxo (portuguese for purple) who is my sister's marble veiltail. He's our kitchen buddy. And Phoenix, who is a gorgeous blue and red veiltail (see an obsession with veiltails here?).
Phoenix is in a 18 gallon community tank together with Naiad, Xena, The Oxford family, The Survivors and The Yellowstone family.
I name everything and anything. So I will begin to explain.
Phoenix, the VT betta.
Naiad, the sulawesi snail.
Xena, the pleco.
The Oxford family, the eight neon tetras.
The Survivors, the couple of white clouds.
The Yellowstone family, the six yellow baby guppys.
This tank is a pandemonium, it is now in process of growth, the java moss wall was just put in today and I am waiting for it to grow to see the final result, hope my money was wasted on good things with these wall.
Right now I think my tank is finally getting some form and shape. Yesterday I didn't have the betta so it looked so empty, today it just looks put together and complete.
I will leave some photos down here for you to check and will update later on. Thank you.
Excuse the bad quality of the photos.
Caspar, of which I have a journal on here: http

Today I went to the LFS and had an impulse buy, another betta.
At the moment I have two bettas in the house, Roxo (portuguese for purple) who is my sister's marble veiltail. He's our kitchen buddy. And Phoenix, who is a gorgeous blue and red veiltail (see an obsession with veiltails here?).
Phoenix is in a 18 gallon community tank together with Naiad, Xena, The Oxford family, The Survivors and The Yellowstone family.
I name everything and anything. So I will begin to explain.
Phoenix, the VT betta.
Naiad, the sulawesi snail.
Xena, the pleco.
The Oxford family, the eight neon tetras.
The Survivors, the couple of white clouds.
The Yellowstone family, the six yellow baby guppys.
This tank is a pandemonium, it is now in process of growth, the java moss wall was just put in today and I am waiting for it to grow to see the final result, hope my money was wasted on good things with these wall.
Right now I think my tank is finally getting some form and shape. Yesterday I didn't have the betta so it looked so empty, today it just looks put together and complete.
I will leave some photos down here for you to check and will update later on. Thank you.

Excuse the bad quality of the photos.