I just set up my tank and added a bottle of fritzyme 7 (bacteria) on Saturday the fish are doing great and are very active the only problem is my high nitrate level 40ppm which is coming from my tap but this is about ick not about my nitrates so anyway my ammonia just started to register on Monday .25 my first mistake was to do A water change not realizing I would be removing ammonia that the bacteria needed to feed on besides I can't really go by the nitrates as it is coming from my tap.so back to my ick tested my water tonight still no nitrites my nitrate Is about 40 PPM which I expected my ammonia .25 my fish are very active as usual but tonight I notice OH NO what appears to be ick but I can't be sure a couple of small dots on a couple of dorsal fins it almost looks like tiny little mini air bubbles but I know they were not there before. So this is what I plan on doing please let me know if I am going about this the right way being my tank is only 5 days into A cycle I keep my tank at 76 within the next few hours I am going to try to get the tank up to 80 raise it 2 degrees before I go to bed then another 4 before I go to work yo get it to 86. When I first added my bacteria I have A uv light built into my cannister which I the bottle stated to turn off any uv lights for 4 days well it's been 4 days and maybe this light will help a little when I got all my supplies before adding fish I picked up aquarium salt but never added it(now that ick has struck maybe I should have)when I did add the fish though I added something called the fish keeper which was supposed to be stress reliever/disease remedy/immuninizing treatment.I did raise the spraybar above the water line.I don't want to add any meds and kill the little bacteria I have established nor do I want to do any water changes unless my ammonia or nitrites spike.should 86 be all right and for how long I know black rubys like the water cooler so I don't know if they could tolerate much higher and for how long I was thinking between7-10 days do I or don't I use salt how about the fish keeper don't know if any of you has used it though it seems like a natural remedy additive.lastly should I turn the built in uv light back on it shouldn't hurt its been 5 days since I added the bacteria.should I start dosing the water with prime every 48 hours just to neutralize the nitrates while my fish fight through this as they are going to be stressed enough they don't need the nitrates stressing them more.if it wasn't for the small spots I would never suspect that ick has entered the tank they are very active full of appetite and no scratching or rubbing up against anything.am I going about things the right way or maybe someone can correct me if I am doing something wrong I think I caught this thing early enough where there will not be too much stress endured by my ruby's thank-you for any advice you can give.