Trading Filter Media Help Me Pls


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2012
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So I just set up my 10 gallon fry tank.

I have a 50 and a 29 gallon fully cycled tanks. All three tanks have aquaclear filters. They include sponge and bioball media.

How do I cut a peice of the 50 and 29 gallon soonge medua t o place in the 10 gallon filter without destroying the bacteria? I plan to put some of the dponge from the 50 into the ten and a few bioballs from the 29 to help get this tank started.

Please advise!
The bacteria are tiny, microscopic little things.  Cutting a bit of sponge won't affect them at all - at least not noticably.  I suppose you could end up cutting through a few bacteria cells, but that wouldn't even be a tenth of a percent of the total number, so have no fear.
Cut the sponge to size to fit the 10 gallon filter.  Just drop the bioballs you plan to move into the 10's filter if they fit.  Replace the removed media in the larger filters and you will have those new pieces colonized in a short time with new bacteria in the bigger filters. 
Just have this lovely image of tiny bacteria screaming in agony and bleeding after being cut in half 
Sophie1992 said:
Just have this lovely image of tiny bacteria screaming in agony and bleeding after being cut in half :whistle: 
Uhhhhh..... Okkkeeeyyyy :p lol just kidding!

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