Hello everyone. I am currently working on getting my 55g tank stocked up. I have an aqua-tech 30-60 and penguin 350b for filtration. The tank is planted with some anacharis and java fern along with a single crypt and Anubis. The substrate is gravel and I have made some caves to complement the driftwood and other decorations. I do 30-50% water changes every 5-7 days on average. Weekly water tests have ammonia and nitrites at 0ppm and nitrates at less than 20.
So I am trying to figure out what fish to add to my equation. I currently have:
7 neon tetras
7 tiger barbs
2 Bolivian rams
3 flying foxes
4 bronze cory cats
I am considering getting a small school of oto's for algae control on the glass. I have also considered increasing the school size of the tetras and barbs. I am trying to add color and movement to the top of the tank. I have considered kribs and apistos but it is my understanding they are more bottom dwellers and I feel like my bottom may already be crowded. Any advice is welcome.
So I am trying to figure out what fish to add to my equation. I currently have:
7 neon tetras
7 tiger barbs
2 Bolivian rams
3 flying foxes
4 bronze cory cats
I am considering getting a small school of oto's for algae control on the glass. I have also considered increasing the school size of the tetras and barbs. I am trying to add color and movement to the top of the tank. I have considered kribs and apistos but it is my understanding they are more bottom dwellers and I feel like my bottom may already be crowded. Any advice is welcome.