Top Dwellers That Are 2-5 Inches And Go With .......


Jul 1, 2008
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are there any top dwellers that are 2-5 inches and go with silver sharks, clown loaches, red tailed shark
hard water  200L with external
Gouramis! They're labrinth fish so they like to sit at the top. You can get dwarf gouramis and some are gorgeous. Great fish really. One of my favorites :)
They're also semi agressive and will go great with those fish.
In my 20 gallon tank I just bought 3 silver dollars and a red tailed shark but I also want to get a few neon tetras will they tetras be eatin when the shark is fully grown? And yes I am getting a bigger tank for Christmas (75 gallon) for them this is a grow out tank but I also noticed my rts won't eat. They said he will scavenge the bottom of the tank for the flake food i feed them the food that goes to the bottom stays there and he won't eat it. He is looking dull in color like his head looks see through and his tail isn't as red as it was. Is he sick or something or will he eat eventually?
I agree with the gouramis as said. Make sure to upgrade to six plus feet ASAP as your fish can get really big with time.
With your RTS, I would be inclined to get him specialized food made for bottom feeders like wafers or pellets. Bottom feeders should really never be left to eat leftovers. Also, feed him at night when he will be more active and the other fish less active. drop a wafer or something into his favorite hiding spot at night time and hopefully he'll find it.
My rts is about 1 inch and my sds are about 1 and 1/2 inches atm and in 4 months they shouldn't be almost full grown but they will get the tank for christmas and I can't remeber the measure ments on it tho but the tank they are in is 24x13 I think and also is it safe to add a small school or neons? Because im going to the pet store tomorrow to get the rts different food I think I'll get blood worms and algae wafers for him. But would a school of 3-5 neons be ok?
Neons sound like a bad idea in a semi agressive tank
In general, if they can fit in another fishes mouth, not a good idea
Don't neons get 1 and 1/2 inches? I read that it depends on the fish tho but what other small schooling fish would go well with sds and rts?
Neons? Heck, I've never seen one much bigger than 2.5 cm.
A 24 inch tank is really too small for a red tail shark and silver dollars. I wouldn't add anything to the tank until you've revised your stocking.
Turns out im getting a new 75 gallon in a month lol but can someone list a small group on schooling fish that go well with silvers and rts? And I want to know befor I leave and get the different food for my rts
What about emporer tetras? They can grow quite big or Congo tetras they're beautiful fish. Also danios can grow quite big too, I've just been looking at pearl/rose danios.

Theres lots of different species, just make sure you look for something a bit bigger! I have neons in my tank they are barely an inch and I've had them a couple of years, they generally don't get very big.
Thanks for all the answers but how big do Cardinal tetras get. They look really similar to neons and I read they get 2" and also I would get a group of zebra Danios but I would like a group of 2-2,1/2" fish but I read zebras get 3" is that true?
Oh and I forgot to add that I've looked at 5 different websites and they all say neons get 2"....... But i liek hte look fo Cardinal better do you guys know If petsmart or pet supplies plus sells them?
Hey I read the earlier comments for a 75 gallon 41/2 feed long with 3 sds and a rts how would 4 dwarf gouramis do with them? Is it ok to keep them in a group of 4 because I read the like to be in pairs
If you get one male and three females, yes.

Two of each, maybe.

But all males may be pushing it.

I love dwarf gouramis I have one lone male, I did have two males one got sick and died, I think the stronger one killed him to be honest, but my little lone ranger it going great, such a funny little fish to watch.

The cardinals are about the same size as the neons I think given the space they can reach up-to 2 inch, but as I said previous my biggest is maybe 1,1/2 inch, he's the boss.

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