Toad Stool Mushroom


New Member
May 2, 2013
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I'm new to the fish world,so I do need some help/advice.I have only just set up a salt water tank 3 weeks ago and all was fine and lovely, when a toad stool mushroom suddenly, all projections retracted, my Priscilla Clowns are trying there best.The Toad stool looks fine as do all the other corals,all water tests are fine,has anyone any ideas. Sorry if I have used any wrong terms but I think you will know what I mean?
Hi there. I personally know nothing about marine. I'm going to move the question down to the marine section, and hopefully you'll get a quicker answer there.
What are your water stats? Could you post the numbers up?
3 weeks is very new to have a whole tank full of corals!
What is the exact water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature and salinity?

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