I've currently got a 55 gallon 100cm x 40cm x 55cm community tank that houses
X2 bosemani rainbows (was 4 originally)
1 dwarf neon rainbow (was 6 originally)
1 keyhole cichlid
1 opaline gourami
X6 zebra loaches
Moderately planted. Tetratec ex1200 & a fluval u4 for filtration. 7.6 tap & the tank is cycled & been so for 18mths.
I had plans to get a 6 foot tank & stock it with a larger group of bosemani rainbows. Unfortunately this will be a long time off now as we've had a baby!
I've pretty much decided to move the remaining bosemani as i don't feel 55 gallons is suitable for a group of them. I really love the dwarf rainbows but from what I've read they seem a bit weak at the moment so im a bit put off trying them again. my gourami is a bully on the keyhole so I'm thinking of him on too.
That leaves me with my zebras & keyhole. I'm thinking of upping the zebras & going with one large group of fish. I love rummynose tetra, Odessa barbs & tiger barbs
I'm at the point where I am about to give up on the plants & just go with the piece of bogwood I already have & get hold of some nice rocks
Your thoughts & ideas are welcomed
X2 bosemani rainbows (was 4 originally)
1 dwarf neon rainbow (was 6 originally)
1 keyhole cichlid
1 opaline gourami
X6 zebra loaches
Moderately planted. Tetratec ex1200 & a fluval u4 for filtration. 7.6 tap & the tank is cycled & been so for 18mths.
I had plans to get a 6 foot tank & stock it with a larger group of bosemani rainbows. Unfortunately this will be a long time off now as we've had a baby!
I've pretty much decided to move the remaining bosemani as i don't feel 55 gallons is suitable for a group of them. I really love the dwarf rainbows but from what I've read they seem a bit weak at the moment so im a bit put off trying them again. my gourami is a bully on the keyhole so I'm thinking of him on too.
That leaves me with my zebras & keyhole. I'm thinking of upping the zebras & going with one large group of fish. I love rummynose tetra, Odessa barbs & tiger barbs
I'm at the point where I am about to give up on the plants & just go with the piece of bogwood I already have & get hold of some nice rocks
Your thoughts & ideas are welcomed