Tips On Improving My Aquascape?


Feb 7, 2016
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I set up a 2.5 gallon tank with a DIY rock background. It took almost a month for it to be at a pH safe for fish, and for the water to clear up. It was painful to look at. Anyway, the water is now crystal clear after I purchased a cheapo mini HOB filter on amazon. I threw some filter floss in there and the next day it was crystal clear water. Anyway, I just today added some pearlweed and cryptos. I don't know how long they will last because they came from my 20 long with lots of ferts and good light, and I don't WANT to dose ferts on the 2.5 gallon but I guess I'll have to. 
The plants pictured are the only plants I have in there, and I also have the three guppies. Any recommendations on simple, small and easy plants I can put in there? Thanks
Corkscrew Vallisneria would work well, especially if the GH on moderately hard or harder.  The chain sword (Helanthium tenellum, previosly known as Echinodorus tenellus) would fit in, a slightly lighter green to the darker green of Vallisneria.  I don't know what the light is, but both of these can manage in moderate.  Once established, both will send out runners and spread, but this is easy enough to control.
I like it!  I love that rock wall background. You did that yourself? Out of real rocks?  I would love something like that in my tank
The light is a single 15w floursecent bulb. 
Yeah it was pretty easy to do actually. first, take some styrofoam and silicone it together so you have a brick/block. Then take a razor or knife and carve out your design (creativity here is the hardest part imo). Then, apply some concrete cement, after that, silicone it in place. Really looks nice.
I really like your background. I think I will try one myself
I have a link to this tutorial on making a background.  I don't feel like I am creative enough to do this with cement. But this way it is kinda "creates" itself.
julielynn47 said:
I have a link to this tutorial on making a background.  I don't feel like I am creative enough to do this with cement. But this way it is kinda "creates" itself.
Here is a better tutorial. You MUST subscribe to this guy as well:
I will check it out

This my favorite of all I have seen so far.
a lightweight slate looking wall.  I might just have to attempt this 
Looks nice. Too bad it was ruined with fake plants and deco. :/ lol
I understand the cement thing now at least.  A real slate ledge would weigh so much, but that would weigh next to nothing I would think.  I would want real plants. I just have to try this.  I don't want mine to stick out that far though. Maybe at the bottom, but not all the way up.  Now I just have to find someplace to get styrofoam sheets.
julielynn47 said:
I understand the cement thing now at least.  A real slate ledge would weigh so much, but that would weigh next to nothing I would think.  I would want real plants. I just have to try this.  I don't want mine to stick out that far though. Maybe at the bottom, but not all the way up.  Now I just have to find someplace to get styrofoam sheets.
I got mine from a fish order package of fish I ordered online. I was walking out of dunkin donuts one day and found a massive sheet by the garbage can so I grabbed it. It's green and idk if it will work but I'll try sometime.
You can also go behind a furniture store and find massive peices of styrofoam.
I have piece of styrofoam insulation.  It looks like a sheet of plywood but it has silver paper on one side.  I think I might use that.  As far as I know it is nothing but plain old styrofoam.  I will do some checking to make sure. But that is what it looks like anyway.

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