I set up a 2.5 gallon tank with a DIY rock background. It took almost a month for it to be at a pH safe for fish, and for the water to clear up. It was painful to look at. Anyway, the water is now crystal clear after I purchased a cheapo mini HOB filter on amazon. I threw some filter floss in there and the next day it was crystal clear water. Anyway, I just today added some pearlweed and cryptos. I don't know how long they will last because they came from my 20 long with lots of ferts and good light, and I don't WANT to dose ferts on the 2.5 gallon but I guess I'll have to.
The plants pictured are the only plants I have in there, and I also have the three guppies. Any recommendations on simple, small and easy plants I can put in there? Thanks
The plants pictured are the only plants I have in there, and I also have the three guppies. Any recommendations on simple, small and easy plants I can put in there? Thanks