Fish Crazy
So I have a Guppy fry who is older than the others (from Gem's fist birth) and is also a lot bigger. She (untill proven otherwise) is about just less than an inch (maybe three or four mm less) and about a month old. I know, that doesn't really give much of an idea. My Panda just gave birth and her fry are tiny. Now, this bigger Guppy isn't really bothering them, but she has been showing some curiosity. She hasn't tried anything, but I'm worried that she may end up trying to eat them. They all get fed lots, three times a day with flakes, with cucumber and frozen Daphnia about three times a week. But she is a lot bigger than them and I can see how she might end up hurting them if she fancied. Could I put her in the main tank with the adults yet? I can't see that they could eat her now, but they might still hurt her trying? I think I'm going to keep her for myself so I don't want her to get eaten!
Is there a general rule about how to determin if fry can safely go in with the adults?
Is there a general rule about how to determin if fry can safely go in with the adults?