Tiger Oscar With....african Cichlids?


Apr 30, 2012
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Has anyone got any experience of mixing an Oscar with africans? I read that an oscar would be fine in an african PH, maybe try and miss mbunas but i read yellow labs could work. Has anyone ever mixed the two, successfully?
Temporarily it will work. Problem is the Oscar will grow fast enough to cause a threat to the labs. If u get large labs and a small Oscar, they may beat the Oscar down. Either way I wouldn't recommend it.
The answer is a non to shy HELL NO!!!
Not going to work long term in any way..

Yes either could be acclimated to a PH.. this is the least of the worries here..
At a younger age,, and not for long the yellows may top the chart but the Oscar will grow extremely fast, and may eventually not tolerate even its own kind within it's tank, and will be big and aggressive enough to enforce this..... Put the most aggressive Mbuna you want with a full grown Oscar and watch it get its #17##### kicked. Or a pack of the same act back to him/her.. not going to end well.
Crap why am I even typing this.. suffice It is a horrible idea.. please don't..
Yellow Labs are Mbuna.

As a temporary measure then yes, but long term, as stated above, probably not the best option.
thanks for the replies guys, ill deffo not consider it then!!
not to beat it in even more, but aside from the obvious lack of compatability with water perimeters, mbuna cichlids tend to be more vegetarian, whereas oscars like a more meaty diet, mixing the protein of oscaresque food with mbuna cichlids means a bunch of sick mbunas, a lot of them cannot digest a lot of protein.

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