Tiger Barb Question


Mostly New Member
Sep 15, 2013
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I appreciate some guidance regarding this situation.  I am a beginner and I bought 2 tiger barbs, 2 sunshine platy, and 2 panda platy.  Upon introducing all 6 fish into the tank,one of the tiger barbs will not stop chasing the other barb (not the other fish though). To stop this behavior, I isolated him/her in a separate bowl for now.  I am now left with 5 in 10g tank and they seem to all be doing fine, no aggressive behavior.  However, I am not sure what to do with the aggressive one.  should i just leave him on his own? or should I re-introduce him after a few days to see what happens?
Tiger barbs are notoriously aggressive, I'm quite surprised that it's not been chasing the platies too (but hey, give it time ;) )
They really need to be kept in a group of 10-12 or more, they will still be agressive, because that's what they do, but usually it will stay within the species. If you don't have room in your tank for that, then I suggest you take both of the tiger barbs back to the shop.
Thank you.  I will continue to monitor the other tiger barb and if he/she exhibits aggressive behavior towards the others, then I will remove him/her too.  
It's more a case of inevitability rather than 'it may or may not continue to be aggressive'.
Unless you get very lucky with a couple of individuals, it's normally recommended to have a group of barbs (min 8) or none at all.

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