Tiger Barb Compatibility


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
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hey everyone, long time lurker on here but I actively post over on Aquaria Central. I've got a 30 gallon breeder tank with a school of 12 tiger barbs. It is planted with floating frogbit (which the little devils eat) and anubias crypts and vals with driftwood and a sand substrate. I attempted to put a small group of julii corys in there and the barbs terrorized them. So i returned the corys..now I am wondering what, if anything, you guys have kept with tiger barbs? I really wanted to make this into a tank with at least a few diff. species of fish. But the more and more I read it seems that barbs are a "species only tank" type of deal. any advice?
I never personally liked Tiger barbs. Very nippy. Why dont you try a convict cichlid? They are nasty too.
The trouble is, the Tigers being on their own long enough to make it their territory will make it very difficult to add anything else.

You will need to think aggressive or fast... Something like Danios or Silver Tip Tetras are fast moving, Columbian, Buenos Aires and Red Eye Tetras are also good at holding their own.

A Single Convict might do ok or a Male Kribensis...
Yes MBOU; I kept my silver tips with my tigers for a while and they did fine; also zebra loach got on well with them, and plecs (smallish ones, obviously, if you're tank's not huge!) are fine.

Not much else though, and the other fish need to be in fairly large shoals so the tigers can't pick on individuals; mine killed a rescued black phantom tetra and chewed the fins right off another two, overnight once :crazy: There were only four of those.

I do love tiger barbs, but they are a nightmare of a fish to keep, tbh. Black ruby or five banded are much better choices, IMO. Both very similar in looks to tigers, but far less trouble!
Alright I kind of like the idea of a single convict. Would a convict rip up my plants? or dig big holes in the substrate or anything? I've definitely learned my lesson with tiger barbs however haha.
If you don't mind livebearers, swordtails could be ok with the barbs. Some swordtails are really nice. I like the albino koi swordtails:

Just thought of it, if you tank is long enough why not get a black red tail shark. It might harrass the barbs though :hey:
Ya it is 36" long so I would think a red tailed shark would go alright in there. I've seen them at my LFS and wondered if one of those would be able to hold his own in there...
Ya it is 36" long so I would think a red tailed shark would go alright in there. I've seen them at my LFS and wondered if one of those would be able to hold his own in there...

I would be worried for the tiger barbs instead :lol:
Ya it is 36" long so I would think a red tailed shark would go alright in there. I've seen them at my LFS and wondered if one of those would be able to hold his own in there...

I would be worried for the tiger barbs instead :lol:

Seriously, black red tail sharks are aggressive and he might or might not chase the barbs, depending on your setup and maybe because the barbs are fist, he might not feel like the boss but still.... If you decide to get him/her, arrange to be able to return it.
Alright I put a rainbow shark in there, kind of a happy medium I thought. They seem to be getting along just fine.

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