Thinking Of Some New Fish To Add To My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2013
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Okay here goes... so as the title says im looking in getting some more tropical fish to add to my tank. 

I have a 64 litre tank. The decorations i have in are artificial and they consist of a large log (which takes up quite abit of room) which is hollow for the fish to swim within, which has silk plants attached to it and also i have a plasticy plant in the right hand back corner of my tank. It has a filter and a heater. The temperature is at 24-25 Degrees C.  
At the moment the fish i have in my tank are 10 Neon Tetras, 1 Black Molly and 1 White Molly.
Im hoping next week to add more to what i have.
I have been looking at local shops and quite like he look of male Guppies, Dwarf Gouramis. Also in one place there was some Platys what have unusual markings that seemed to catch my eye.
I was just wondering what you guys would recommend for a next buy from the ones above or others that you recommend. Also any information about the fish would be good for example if they nip fins or dont get along with certain fish.
Sorry for the big long paragraph but im new onto this forum and not sure what you needed to know. Thankyou. Rebecca.
Well 64 litres is about 17 gallons and I don't know the exact dimensions of your tank or anything but depending on your filtration and how often you do water changes
you might be fully stocked with fish already.
I agree with soupy.
64 litres is about 2x1x1ft so you've got quite a few fish in there already. You could possibly add some small shrimp or some snails seen as they add very little bioload but other than that i'd leave it as it is personally
My tank is 24 inches across and 15 inches high if i remember rightly. We have a filter which came included with our tank. The catridges/pad are changed in the filter when specified (around 28 days) and when doing this do a 20-25% water change. We have our water tested by who supplies our fish. And water changes and whatever else needed are carried out when necessary. I had had tropical fish a good few times before and this method has worked and been advised to us.
When having fish before we have only really stuck with Neon Tetras, Danios and Mollies. So just thinking about broadening into other breeds of tropical fish which have similar demands and preferences to what my tank is out now. Give or take abit.
I hope that information helps. 
I hope when changing your filter media you don't change it all at once!

Also i think your stocked, minus maybe a couple of snails (ramshorn are nice)
But if you want to dab in different fish, rehome your mollies and get a Siamese fighter in with your tetra, beautiful show together!
We do everything gradually with this tank. Especially when i got it and it was cycled. Gosh i was about bouncing off my seat waiting but it was all worth it in the end to have my happy and healthy fish. I will hopefully post some photos up soon of them. My black Molly although plain ad it sounds is very flashy with its fins! Lovely to look at.
Paradiddle, i love everything about Siamese Fighter and could easily go and get one right now if it wasnt so late were i live. I think ill look into them abit deeper other than the basics i know and take getting one into consideration.
Ok i though it possibly was. I used to have a very large tank that nearly covered one of my walls in my living room so was slightly unsure on how many fish my tank what i have now could deal with. I have had my Neon Tetras and my Mollys for a good while and just wondered if i could add a couple more to join them. They may just enjoy the company of snails. How many would you consider getting?
Thankyou all for your help. Makes it worthwhile to join this page. Non of the nonsense i get in some of the shops i have been in.
I have been considering getting another tank for a while now so now i have a reason to get one. Time to break it to my man. 
I havent seen a Butterfly Loach in person before but online they do look lovely dont they. 

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