Fish Fanatic
Okay here goes... so as the title says im looking in getting some more tropical fish to add to my tank.
I have a 64 litre tank. The decorations i have in are artificial and they consist of a large log (which takes up quite abit of room) which is hollow for the fish to swim within, which has silk plants attached to it and also i have a plasticy plant in the right hand back corner of my tank. It has a filter and a heater. The temperature is at 24-25 Degrees C.
At the moment the fish i have in my tank are 10 Neon Tetras, 1 Black Molly and 1 White Molly.
Im hoping next week to add more to what i have.
I have been looking at local shops and quite like he look of male Guppies, Dwarf Gouramis. Also in one place there was some Platys what have unusual markings that seemed to catch my eye.
I was just wondering what you guys would recommend for a next buy from the ones above or others that you recommend. Also any information about the fish would be good for example if they nip fins or dont get along with certain fish.
Sorry for the big long paragraph but im new onto this forum and not sure what you needed to know. Thankyou. Rebecca.
Okay here goes... so as the title says im looking in getting some more tropical fish to add to my tank.
I have a 64 litre tank. The decorations i have in are artificial and they consist of a large log (which takes up quite abit of room) which is hollow for the fish to swim within, which has silk plants attached to it and also i have a plasticy plant in the right hand back corner of my tank. It has a filter and a heater. The temperature is at 24-25 Degrees C.
At the moment the fish i have in my tank are 10 Neon Tetras, 1 Black Molly and 1 White Molly.
Im hoping next week to add more to what i have.
I have been looking at local shops and quite like he look of male Guppies, Dwarf Gouramis. Also in one place there was some Platys what have unusual markings that seemed to catch my eye.
I was just wondering what you guys would recommend for a next buy from the ones above or others that you recommend. Also any information about the fish would be good for example if they nip fins or dont get along with certain fish.
Sorry for the big long paragraph but im new onto this forum and not sure what you needed to know. Thankyou. Rebecca.