okie, will try to hit all the points asked and what i could pull from your situation.
i am hoping you did not put your liverock/sand into a tank of tap water with no salt. what is in the tank already?
what kind of salt are you going to use? i have noticed that skimmers don't foam up unless there is some salt in the water, not sure what causes this.
are you going to run a fish only tank, fish with liverock, or full reef?
what model skimmer do you have?
most people don't use tapwater, as there is already so many trace elements in it, when you add the marine salt to it, you get an overload in many elements, as well as phosphate which causes bad algae.
before you add any life to the tank, i suggest you get the salinity meter, and all the appropriate tests for marine aquaria (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/calcium/kh/phosphate/salinity)
i suggest you read this article as well
my tank is running about 3 months now, before i had all of the information, and all the testing equipment, it looked terrible, algae, no coral growth, dieing fish. now after i took the time to do some reading and understanding of how different life forms use different elements within the salt water, and got my testing stuff, my tank is blowing up with growth, it is beginning to look amazing!