The Cruel World of Nature [WARNING: Pictures are of an insect, but may still be disturing to some. Viewer Discretion is advised] (Spoilers are on)


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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This seems to be some sort of hornworm that is infected with the parasitic wasp Cotesia congregata, which slowly feeds on its host from the inside and then emerges out as eggs, finally hatching...
It is very sad for me to watch it, as I know it slowly is dying in pain, but this is nature, and nature can be cruel at times.
If you are the parasite, a video like that is pure beauty...
As the child who inevitably cheered on the lion chasing the wildebeest in nature shows (much to my parents consternation), I couldn't agree more.
Nature is always point of view. If you are the parasite, a video like that is pure beauty...
That's true... But I'm not a parasite watching this lol

For me, it still makes me sad knowing that it's a slow, painful death that this creature has to go through... I know it's nature, but that doesn't make it any less painful for me to watch
Nature is always point of view. If you are the parasite, a video like that is pure beauty...
You could say the same thing for ich on a fish I guess then... But it still hurts us to see it happening
I always feel sorry for the parasitized creature, but I will confess to an interest in parasites. I kill Ich, for sure. But it is a remarkable creature.

I suspect that if I could both time shift and do math, I would reinvent myself as a parasitologist. I've never been into the lives of rich and famous celebrities, royals and the ilk, but the bacteria who makes planets of us are fascinating. Parasitic wasps are disturbing creatures, as are fish lice and E. coli. But you know what they say - you are never alone when you have tapeworms.

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