

New Member
Jul 2, 2004
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If I wanted 6 Tetras, do they all have to be the same kind, or can I mix?

i.e. Can I have 3 Neons and 3 Rosy (can't remember exactly what they are called)
tetras do prefer more of their own type but i have kept mixtures in the past with good results. As long as there is at least 3 of each type and they are all roughly the same size you should be fine. If you find a particular type is getting a bit nippy you could add a couple more of that type and it should calm them down. HTH :)
neons (and tetras in general) are better in larger groups. a school is best and most say that's around 6 fish minimum. they will be more comfortable that way. and chances are with neons that there will be a fatality in a new group from the lfs, so check out their return policy.

and if these will be added to ur 9 gallon, then there will be a lot of fish in that tank!

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