Mostly New Member
Hi all I'm new here and new (unfortunately for my fish!) to keeping fish. I think I've made mistakes that many (most?) new fish keepers have and I'm feeling pretty silly and sad right now ....
So ok this is my situation - I have a 70 litre tank, it has been cycling with fish for around 2 weeks and I think I'm doing some things right. I added tetra safe start and was doing every other day water changes of 25% but I have been losing fish right left and centre. Then I read that tetra safe start should be added and then left for at least 2 weeks so this is what I am doing now. At present I have three catfish, 4 platys, 10 emperor tetra and 10 neon tetra and a betta fish. The water is very cloudy. I did not know about cycling before I purchased the fish and I certainly didn't know that tetra fish are not good at all for cycling so (after losing some tetras) I'm scared of losing more and hurting them. Can you please give me some advice on how to move forward in order to try to minimise harm and damage. My test strip says that all levels appear to be normal. Many thanks in advance.
So ok this is my situation - I have a 70 litre tank, it has been cycling with fish for around 2 weeks and I think I'm doing some things right. I added tetra safe start and was doing every other day water changes of 25% but I have been losing fish right left and centre. Then I read that tetra safe start should be added and then left for at least 2 weeks so this is what I am doing now. At present I have three catfish, 4 platys, 10 emperor tetra and 10 neon tetra and a betta fish. The water is very cloudy. I did not know about cycling before I purchased the fish and I certainly didn't know that tetra fish are not good at all for cycling so (after losing some tetras) I'm scared of losing more and hurting them. Can you please give me some advice on how to move forward in order to try to minimise harm and damage. My test strip says that all levels appear to be normal. Many thanks in advance.