Tetra Eggs?


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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Hi, does anyone know what tetra's eggs look like?
I've just been pruning my main tank and I always check leaves for eggs now before throwing them in my bucket. I found a sword leaf covered in eggs. They are a pale brown and I'm wondering if they are tetra eggs ... I have 10 nematobrycon palmeri tetra's - 5 males and 5 females. I did have a female darting into the plants a couple of nights ago and I know they are egg scatterers.
Photo - Taken with macro on they are about as big as a pin head

The only other egg they can be in from my nerite snails but they are generally bright white. It's the fact that these are a pale brown that has me wondering??
Could be, but these eggs looked like they were placed there so I doubt it, I also don't think they are sticky.
I rescued a baby one a few months ago from my main tank, put it in a small tank and it grew well until the day I found it on the floor.
the more I look at the photo the more I'm looking to my nerite snails ... it's the colour though that's throwing me. Snail eggs are solid white where-as these are a light brown ... I've put the leaf in the fry tank anyway. I'll give it 7 days. If nothing hatches then I know they are snail eggs and not tetra's.
I've had two tetra's - one appeared in my fry tank from a leaf that had cory eggs on. The cory eggs didn't hatch but the tetra did. I raised it from a tiny hatchling on to being a good 2cm. It turned out to be male so it went to the lfs, 5 adult males are enough for me. The 2nd one was spotted hiding in my plants in my main tank. I netted it before the angels spotted it and raised that one too. That one was also male and went to the same place as the first one.
I would like to have a go at raising a group of these tetra's alongside the cory fry so if these do turn out to be tetra eggs I'll be a very excited Akasha!
I've just had another peep at them and they are now a darker brown. Confused. I would agree that they look like snail eggs in the photo but in real life I'm not 100%
I guess time will tell and I'll let you know :)
When it comes to identifying eggs I'll stick with cory eggs lol 
Good luck! They arnt from the Cory's then? Too small I guess

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nope .. too small for cory. I've just checked on them and nothing is happening. It's looking more and more like they are indeed snail eggs
binned these eggs today. Definitely snail eggs

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