Tested My Water For The First Time!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 3, 2013
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I was very very pleased witht he results of my first water test using the API Freshwater master kit! Here were my results
7.6 p)
0 Nitrate
0 Nitrite
0-.25 ammonia ( could hardly tell, almost positive it was 0)
 Overall, Im very pleased and glad i made the purchase! My goldfish tank needs work however, but im sure itll be perfect in no time!
Do you have live plants in the tank? You should have some nitrAte present. It's not necessarily a bad thing that you don't have it, but nitrates are almost always present if there are no live plants. But good job on keeping your levels low. 
attibones said:
Do you have live plants in the tank? You should have some nitrAte present. It's not necessarily a bad thing that you don't have it, but nitrates are almost always present if there are no live plants. But good job on keeping your levels low. 
no live plants
It looks by your sig like you have 3 male bettas in one tank?? And two goldfish?
This Old Spouse said:
It looks by your sig like you have 3 male bettas in one tank?? And two goldfish?
Must be something wrong with the sig surely?
How long have the fish been in the tank? I'd hope its over 6 weeks or you fishless cycled, or those results may not be that good...
Lunar Jetman said:
Must be something wrong with the sig surely?
I hope so. 3 male bettas in 1 tank? I sense a blood bath coming.
Back on topic: If you're reading 0-0-0 across the board, surely that shows that the tank has yet to cycle?
In my tank, it has a constant reading of 0-0.25 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 10-20 nitrates... the live plants help keep the nitrates in check (along with a few water changes to help)
If you have no ammonia, it's a good sign - it means the tank is balancing out the fish waste. If you have no nitrites, its a good thing - means the nitrates are eating them - but if you both of these and still have no nitrates... it must mean you either produce too few ammonia, and your nitrates are dieing off - or your tank just isn't cycled.
Wild guess...

She forgot to shake & bang nitrate bottle nr2 for at least a minute... And that nitrate is a false 0 reading.
misterpro said:
Wild guess...
She forgot to shake & bang nitrate bottle nr2 for at least a minute... And that nitrate is a false 0 reading.
Agreed - shake the bottle to death before testing and you will get a higher reading

Don't worry about the ammonia / the API test nil is never as yellow as the card suggests so yours is likely to be nil.

Regarding the signature I believe the she has 3 males Bettas but not in the same tank - I jumped to the same conclusion previously and was corrected.
misterpro said:
Wild guess...

She forgot to shake & bang nitrate bottle nr2 for at least a minute... And that nitrate is a false 0 reading.
Now you say that - this is all I can think. How obvious :D
This Old Spouse said:
It looks by your sig like you have 3 male bettas in one tank?? And two goldfish?
This Old Spouse said:
It looks by your sig like you have 3 male bettas in one tank?? And two goldfish?
No no! Its a 20 gal tropical, the bettas and goldfish are in sperate tanks. I need to fix that! (the sig)

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