Tattered Fins


Jan 15, 2012
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I have recently noticed my Halfmoon getting tattered fins. He lives in a 5 gallon Fluval chi with 3 Otos and a Ghost shrimp. Have never seen him biting his own tail, and I wouldn't think his tankmates could cause anything. Flow in tank is very gentle. No plastic plants, all live, with sand and a few smooth rocks.
Couldn't tell you nitrate at this moment, but ammonia is 0, tanks been running for months, and it gets a 50% water change every few days. I'll post nitrate reading tomorrow. Any clue what could be causing this? Everyone is acting fine, eating normal.
My Halfmoon is turning into a crowntail! :(
It sounds like you're doing things right :/ I'm not sure what the filter is like on the Chi, he's not propping himself on the filter inlet and his tail is getting sucked in is it?
It sounds like you're doing things right :/ I'm not sure what the filter is like on the Chi, he's not propping himself on the filter inlet and his tail is getting sucked in is it?

Not that I've ever noticed, but I'll watch and see. I just fed, and my betta and the shrimp both rushed for a descending flake. The shrimp kind of jumped on the bettas tail before being shook off. Could the shrimp be the problem? :/
Certain types of shrimp are known to go after fish if provoked, Im not sure if ghost shrimp do though :/ but its not unheard of
Certain types of shrimp are known to go after fish if provoked, Im not sure if ghost shrimp do though :/ but its not unheard of

Yeah, I'm thinking maybe the shrimp is getting him at night. The shrimp has been with bettas before, but a short finned crowntail. I'll just move him, as I really don't care to have my Halfmoon tattered :(
I'll wait and see if I see anymore damage after moving the shrimp.
Thanks for the advice!

And for fun, here is a before and after shot of his fins.....


Sorry about the crappy pictures. He won't stay still....


IME fin problems with Bettas always have a cause......Now the diagnoses is always what gets me. Things like velvet can go unnoticed for weeks, but so can things like a small nitrite spike.

Test your water for nitrite. I have noticed that my ammonia always tests 0 but when I have issues with plant melt or waste buildup it will show on my nitrite test but not on ammonia.

Thats the first step.
IME fin problems with Bettas always have a cause......Now the diagnoses is always what gets me. Things like velvet can go unnoticed for weeks, but so can things like a small nitrite spike.

Test your water for nitrite. I have noticed that my ammonia always tests 0 but when I have issues with plant melt or waste buildup it will show on my nitrite test but not on ammonia.

Thats the first step.

Unfortunately all my local pet stores have ceased to carry my usual API kits, so have to go to another city to find. -_- I'm out of my Nitrite test, but will go test my nitrate now. I really don't see their being any nitrite though. Its pretty planted and I probably change their water a little too much :lol: I will get a new test as soon as possible though.
I have moved the shrimp just in case, so I'll watch for anymore damage!
Just finished the test. Nitrate reads 10. Ammonia still 0. I'll get a nitrite test as soon as possible!
On the picture of him from behind it looks like it could be a bite mark....and in the before picture it looks like there's damage there as well.

Just in case he is tail biting there are a few things recommended to try and help.

1. Rearrange the tank decor
2. Add a pingpong ball to the tank for him to play with.
3. Add tankmates. You could put a few endlers in there with him?
On the picture of him from behind it looks like it could be a bite mark....and in the before picture it looks like there's damage there as well.

Just in case he is tail biting there are a few things recommended to try and help.

1. Rearrange the tank decor
2. Add a pingpong ball to the tank for him to play with.
3. Add tankmates. You could put a few endlers in there with him?

I'll try the ping pong ball, but as for endlers he likes to chase. I actually have 2 that live with my other betta, and I once tried to put the endlers with him and he just wanted to attack -_-
I moved the shrimp, so the only thing in the tank with him now are 3 Otos. No aggression towards them it would seem.
I'll see to adding some more plants for him and will keep an eye on him. I've only had him for maybe a month now, but have just now started to see any serious damage. :/
And the tail biting continues. His fins keep getting shorter. -_- Added the shrimp back and a ramshorn snail, so maybe that'll hold his attention for a bit. Gonna hopefully add some more plants tomorrow and get a ping pong ball. Is this something I'm gonna have to keep fighting? Will he just stop?
I've never actually dealt with it myself, thank goodness. I have read on the forum that once it starts they may never stop, I don't know how true that is though.

Regarding adding tankmates. You could try removing him from the tank, rearranging the decor, adding the new fish, letting them settle for a bit and then adding him back in. That way the tank looks different so he doesn't consider it his territory and it seems like the other fish were there first. If he does some chasing I'd still give it a while to see if he gets over it. Plus him chasing the occasional fish insn't really a problem, as long as it's not constant and he's not actually catching them! It will certianly keep him entertained and maybe make him stop biting his tail.
Sorry for the late reply! Well, i added two endlers a few weeks ago. They are getting along fine, but he still seems to be biting his tail. Never seen him do it, but his fins are still very tattered. Added a ping pong ball, wasn't interested in that at all. Not sure what else i can do. ;(

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