i have a 20gal tank with 3 adult platys. my water is off charts. here are the parameters; nitrate-5ppm, nitrate-15ppm, total hardness-0, total chlorine-0, total alkalinity-over300 off the charts, ph-8.2, ammonia-.4, gh-30, kh-high off the charts. i know this doesnt make sense. its pretty much the same in both tanks but my platy in the other tank died today so my only concern is the 20gal. my tap water tests gh-25 and kh-high off the charts also. local pet store tests verified my results. i believe the problem is hard water coming into water treatment plant and theyraise alkalinity to lower hardness. treatment plant has no info on subject. the tank has been up with fish for one week. i know its hard to diagnose this early but the alkalinity and hardness are so far off there is something else causing this. im lost as to what to do. i cant do water changes with tap water. what are my choices other than buying a ro setup