Tankmates For A Mean Severum


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
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Florida, USA
Well I had to separate Bubba and Bitty the Sevs due to domestic violence.

The female, Bitty is going into her new 60 gallon home this weekend (4 ft. long). I can't figure out what to put with her as she harassed the fish in the tank she was in such as the Rainbows and Gourami.

I need to put her with somthing that will be able to stand their own or else be non-threatening to her "space"

Any ideas ?

Giant danios at a best guess, however, if she is already aggressive, she may be best on her own, particulary as the tank isnt that big and she should be in a 75g tank IMO.
I have two servs in with a red tailed black shark, a firemouth and a missippi map turtle. The problem I have is the one serv is obsessed with the turtle. I had to move the kissing gourami and I think I am going to have to move the firemouth too!!!

My experience (only a week or so lol) Servs LOVE turtles.

I have some Green Bar Danios in my Angel tank I thought of moving in there. They are bigger than typical Danios but smaller than Giants.

She may be better behaved since she is separated from the male (she was wanting to breed), or do they still want to breed and/or stay aggressive without a male present ?

I have two servs in with a red tailed black shark, a firemouth and a missippi map turtle. The problem I have is the one serv is obsessed with the turtle. I had to move the kissing gourami and I think I am going to have to move the firemouth too!!!

My experience (only a week or so lol) Servs LOVE turtles.


That's hilarious ! :lol:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say get a Green Sunfish fay, It won't outgrow the tank and will easily hold its own against the serv. You can probably catch one locally and give it some meds/quarantine for a bit and there you go. Unless you get a passive sunfish you'll have a good little tank mate that is a pretty easy to care for fish. I watched a 3 incher chase off several 10"+ largemouth bass
We catch Sunfish easily here. Not sure if they are "green" though.

I went to the store today to get some food and looked at the tank again. It does look pretty small. Maybe I should keep looking. I suppose if anything I could put a cool catfish in there with her or fancy Plecos.
We catch Sunfish easily here. Not sure if they are "green" though.

I went to the store today to get some food and looked at the tank again. It does look pretty small. Maybe I should keep looking. I suppose if anything I could put a cool catfish in there with her or fancy Plecos.
If you post a picture I could tell you if it's a green or not, they are pretty easy to ID with experience. 75g would be better for the serv, you could probably do it in the 75g without problems IMO. Plec would do fine, not sure about other cats. I've seen some cichlids don't mind catfish and some larger ones will harass some of them, depends on the fish.
Turtles with Sevs? that can't be good!

I have my Sevs (I have 3 of them) with a Geophagus Brasiliensis (Bahia Red), 2 Blue Acaras and 2 Angels in a 100g with Rainbows and Clown Loaches for dithers, my adult male has been in there for 2 years with no problems other than he ate my Tiger Barbs one by one over a few weeks. (And 4 Serpae Tetras and a Bristlenose plec at other times)
I put 2 Silver Dollars in the tank today and he isn't interested in them at all. So, I will get a bigger tank and have 5 Silver Dollars, the Sev , and a Pleco and/or a Catfish. I think this should work.

I hadn't paid much attention to Dollars before, but I think I like them. Nice fish.
Turtles with Sevs? that can't be good!

I appreciate your concern, please dont think I just threw in servs with the turtle because I wanted them. I did do some research first. Plus the previous owner of the servs would not of let me have them if she thought they would be in harms way as she is batty about her fish too. Its a mississippi map turtle, they are ok with fish. I am more worried about the turtle than the fish as they could harm him when they get bigger. If that becomes the case I do have a spare tank suitable to move the turtle to should the need arise.
I hadn't paid much attention to Dollars before, but I think I like them. Nice fish.
The're lovely when they get big, they gets red and black colouration when breeding :good:
I have seen a huge 12" turquoise sev before.Wouldn't keep that in anything less than 125 gallon...Much aggression disappears from fish in larger tanks, then again some fish are just evil.My old 6" texas cichlid would kill anything, and even when reintroduced into a 100 gal, with the boss of the tank an 8" convict.It immediately started fighting with it and 30 mins later the male convict was hiding in the corner and the texas chasing other fish..
For a catfish suggestion get a platydorus costatus-great fish and they grow up to be armoured tanks.
Firemouths, convicts (not when breeding), and blue acaras generally go well with sevs too.
I like the idea of the platydorus costatus (Raphael), Thanks ! I have seen them in local shops too !

I attempted putting my pesky Angel with the Sev and after about 1/2 hr. he took a dive after her. I think I may be best off with this
Sev being the only SA Cichlid in the tank. Since the Silver Dollars I added are fine, and they are small, I think I may get away with a school of Green tiger Barbs.

Here's my idea:

Dark red gravel, Volcano bubbler, Rocks and a large piece of driftwood.

1 Green Sev
3 Silver Dollars
7-9 Green Tiger Barbs (or a mix)
1 Raphael Catfish
1 Green Phantom Pleco

Most likely will only be a 75 gallon tank for now due to my current financial status :(

I'm not too sure about the Pleco and catfish together. I also see the Phantom is sensitive to acclimation and often die within a month or so. Only way I will attempt that one is I find one locally and quarantine it first.

I would like somthing cool like a Bichir or a Clown Knife, but after research I am afraid to attempt it, or they get too big, or somthing. I am definitely drawn to BIG unique fish.....boogers.

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