I have a single female convict in my 20 gallon long. I got her about 10 months ago, and she's been alone since I added her with a blue ram who was bigger than her at the time and she ended up killing. came back one day and the rams eye was missing . That's when I realized their aggressiveness is just a tad underrated at fish stores.(don't know if this was necessary background info, but figured couldn't hurt) So are there any good tank mates for a single female convict in a 20 gallon? I've read so many mixed things. I'd rather not get more convicts (def. not male) or a pleco, but that seems to be a majority of what I've read are safe betswithout getting rid of her, which I don't want to do either. I'd hopefully like some sort of other cichlid that she could be mixed with or any other options really. All Suggestions welcome thanks!