Mostly New Member
I am new to this forum and to cichlids and keeping fish in general. I currently have a 45gal tank that has 5 Mbuna, one OB Peacock, one Sunburst Peacock, one yellow lab, one daffodil, a rope fish, and a synodontis cat. All my fish were living together very well for about two months. My sunburst died about a week ago and I do not know why, at the time my ammonia was 0, my nitrites were 0, my nitrates were about 30ppm pH was 7.8 the temperature is between 78 and 79. I do a tank clean once a week with a 25% water change. And do a 50-60% water change once a month. After that one of mu Mbunas started showing some aggression toward the other mbunas but no one else, he also loses color for about 30 seconds and then his color is restored about 2-3 times a day. Tonight one of my mbunas died. I immediately tested my water and the results are the exact same, ammonia was 0, my nitrites were 0, my nitrates were about 30ppm pH was 7.8 the temperature is 79. I am not sure what is going on with my tank. Does anyone have any ideas? Nothing has changed from when they were all happy to now with two of them gone.