Tank Stocking ?


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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i have a 64L tank what can i stock it with :) ? thinking some kind of tetra, and a few bottom feeders any ideas ?
Galaxy Rasbora and mini Hara Catfish would be nice. Or a school of Ember Tetras and a few male Endlers perhaps a few cherry shrimp in there as well.

6 ballon mollys and some corys whould look cool
You could do a betta community - a betta, pygmy cories and smaller tetras/microrasbora such as embers, galaxys, etc. Or a large group of smaller tetras. Or divide it up and keep more than betta, or a female betta community. Dwarf puffers or killifish are also options. There are a fair amount of things that would work, I'd look around and see what fish you like the look of then share your thoughts :good:
thanks people :good: i already have a betta, and im having a few problems with it which has kinda put me off them, i like the cardinal tetra and head and tail light tetra :) also i've kept some of the trigonostigma species :) mainly hengeli and espei and they looked great in large numbers but im wanting something different
One of my tanks is the same size and I have 8 pygmy cories, a clown plec and a group of female guppies and platies in there.

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