Tank Stabilised And Cycling Nicely Thinking About Stocking


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Jul 4, 2012
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Tank is nice and stable so I'm thinking about finalising a stock profile. My current danio shoal (school?) are quite happy in their new environment so my attention is turning to what to introduce next.

To re-cap this is a realatively heavily planted 180L bowfronted tank with bogwood going in this weekend (after a long period of soaking) and some rock to form a cave. Currently I have 8 leopard danios.

Next inhabitants are likely to be some peppered (would love orange lasers but can't find them) cories, 5-6, followed a few weeks later by a pair of dwarf gourami and another few weeks later by a bolivian ram. I was also considering adding ONE of either a group of 4 guppies, 4 platies or 4 swordtails (all 1 male and 3 females) but this is not a definite.

What I'd like is advice, on the face of it all of these species are community based and peacful but is this the case in the real world? Does anyone have any experience that would lead me away from this plan? If so how would you adjust it? Have I dropped a clanger with any selection?

I had also considered some shrimp in the future but I think the gourami would probably just get a nice lunch :crazy:

As always I appreciate your time in reading and any advice given.

I'm not familiar with swordtail interaction with other fish, but otherwise I think your plan looks pretty good. I have kept guppies, Bolivian Rams, dwarf gourami, danios, and cory's together without any noticeable problems with fighting. In that size tank I believe you could safely have two Rams if you wanted.
The only issue i could see is the temperature difference possibly needed for the Corys and Rams..one needing quite cool water, the other requiring particulary warmer.
The Livebearers you have mentioned are all beautiful fish, but they are as they are...Livebearers. Do you intend to seperate any fry or are happy for nature to takes it course? I only ask as this can sometimes affect the decision of a first time livebearer keeper.
I can't see any possible conflict there though, apart from what you mentioned about a Gourami (but more thank likely a Ram) chomping on small or baby shrimp :shout: .

If you wanted corydoras I'd recommend C. Sterbai, as for the other fish they seem OK the Bolivian MIGHT be hit or miss but it shoudn't be a problem.

TekFish :good:

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