Tank Overflowed Onto Carpet


Jan 2, 2012
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hey guys... i got distracted for about 30 seconds while refilling my 75 gallon... and it was long enough to overflow my tank... how to i protect the carpet that got wet from getting moldy... I cant exactly take down the 75g very quick, and i cant move it by myself...i used a towel to get some of the water up. and a heater aimed at it for 30 minutes.. i afraid the water will somehow grow mold in the carpet of walls.... help?
Best would be to use a de-humidifier. Failing that, all you can do really is use dry towels and tread all your weight on and off of them to bring the water up by capillary action.
Keep the room aerated. Turn on a fan, open some windows if it isnt humid outside. Keep your air circulating.
You have to pull back the carpet and then stick a fan under it. The pad under your carpet unless straight to cement will be soaked. Trust me on this, your carpet can be dry but that pad holds a lot depending on thickness. You have to dry that or mold will grow under the carpet. Hopefully its near a corner so you don't have to lift up the entire room.. One time I even used a blow dryer with the carpet held back by a fan to speed it up. I lifted the carpet up with my hands starting at the edge where it sits on the nails. Then I jammed a fan under it which held up the carpet. Then I used the blow dryer because I was no longer holding with my hands, weeeeeee hot! And let the fan run overnight, pad will moist, ran fan through day and wa la. Jam carpet back on nails.
Coy the same exact thing happen to me, i left a airstone in the tank and the tube hanging outside of the tank, i put a new mag filter in the tank and it some how created a flow through the airstone up the tube dumping 15 gallons of water all over my carpet as well.  I soaked as much up as i could and then i put a fan directly on it for 2 hours.  I am also worried that this may cause some sort of smell or mold,. but i figured i let you know that your not the only one that did this tonight.  It was just one of those night.
You guys gota understand how carpet works.  There is a pad underneath 90% of the time!!!! No one is recommending drying that.... and you wont by putting a fan on carpet!

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