Tank capacity


New Member
May 18, 2005
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I have a 55 gallon tank and was wondering if I would be able to put a small flounder and perhaps three discus fish and an african brown knife and a few other little fish in it? Would the tank be too small? Are those fish compatible?
Size wise I'd say your tank is fine with all of them. But as for compatibility of the Knifefish and the discus I actually would not know. Also by "smaller" fish, what do you mean ? They could become food for the Knife fish ;)
Just make entirely sure if the flounder you are speaking of, is the true fresh water type (Achirus Achirus) or one of the brackish types.
I don't know about the flounder but the knife will get pretty big which means nothing small can be kept with it as that will get eaten. It may also stress the discus out somewhat. However, it just might be possible but you'll have to wait for someone with experience with the knife to tell you what its temperament is like and whether it'll be ok with discus (consdiering water requirements and size etc). Also, you'll want more than 3 discus as they like to be in groups and, if two pair off, the third will get stressed. About the knife also, I'm not sure which species you are reffering to - some get very very large and deffinately won't be a good idea to keep with discus and, regardless of exact species, you won't be able to keep any small tetras or anything which are useful as dither fish for discus.
Also by "smaller" fish, what do you mean ?
I'm not exactly sure, possible some german blue rams and a school of cardinal tetras? I'm kind of just playing around with ideas right now. I was thinking the african brown knifes tend to stay smaller, like 6 inches or so and are usually more peaceful. Would a flounder try to eat smaller fish like the tetras?
nope, the flounders will tend to eat live food mostly (blood worm etc.) so you'll need to have a constant supply thereof. Which Knife Fish specifically are you referring to ? Do you have a profile somwhere ?
I can't see the link but I was wondering whether it was xenomystus nigri? These get to around 8" and are sometimes called african brown knives so it may be this... You couldn't keep one with small fish - probably anything under about 2" is a snack. I don't know about rams - maybe larger individuals with a smaller knife would work out ok but if the knife happens to be a large specimen, it could still eat it.
Ah ok, you're link should be this and then according to that, the detailed info is this.
I will agree with Sylvia that smaller fishes are a no-no and will only be snack for the Knife Fish.
I'm not familiar with FW flounder but I know SW flounder definitely eat small fish so that may not be a good idea. Between the flounder and knife fish, your smaller fish would only be food.
rdd1952, I take it that akitty6552 would only consider a FW Flounder in a discus tank - in which case it should be absolutely fine with the smaller fish, as the FW Flounder only eats very small live food such as bloodworm etc. I'm just unsure of the discus / knife fish compatibility :/
Thanks for the information, bloozoo2. My reply was a little misleading. I did assume that akitty6552 was talking about FW but figured (incorrectly as I now know) that FW and SW would eat the same thing. As I said, I haven't really researched FW flounder but have caught enough SW ones that I do know a little about them, especially since we used to catch them on minnows.
Thanks. I think i'll stick with the flounder and (4) discus fish. I think it would make a nice combo with possibly some rams and a decent school of fish. Four discus wouldn't be overcrowding the tank would it?

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