Swollen Platy


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2015
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Hi :)
So I have all male platy but I noticed today about two of them have huge stomachs all of a sudden.... Does anyone know why or if platy can change gender?
Photo for reference. Swollen platy on the bottom is Picasso and above him is Poppy for stomach comparison.
I don't see any raised scales... (It would indicate dropsy) Maybe constipated? I've heard using peas as a laxative (only using the inside of the shell) can help with it. Another option is maybe is prego??
Another option is maybe is prego??
That's what I was thinking, Especially if she was in the same tank with as little as 1 male when you got her.
Live bearers can become pregnant several times  from just 1 encounter with a male, they can store sperm for up to 6 months.
Well you stated in your post that you have all males. Picasso here is DEFINITELY not a male. That anal fin is far too wide to be a male. So congratulations, your little FEMALE Picasso is expecting!
He looks better this morning. I think he was bloated. I'm fairly certain they are all boys. We sexed them on the forum and I took back the only girl in the group. The other one who was overly fat looks better too.
I gave them some blood worms for the first time yesterday and I wonder if he has just gourged himself. They were all using the bathroom like crazy but now everyone looks good.

Stomach looks much better this morning

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