So I ended up with a fantail goldfish in a ten gallon(dumb stepbrother), and after being unable to obtain a bigger tank with the money I have, I have decided to do some switching. My tank that I've had is a 29gal tank, it has a betta, 9 neon tetras, and 5 corys. I'm considering switching the betta over to the ten gallon and well... if I can anything else that will fit. So my questions are
- My 29gallon has a heater, and it seems to switch on and off randomly to maintain temperature. Does it do this on a timer of sorts or does it detect the temperature of the water? Will a heater meant for a larger tank work in a smaller one?
- I am aware I will be getting rid of most my fish for the switch, but I was wondering if there are ANY fish that I will be able to keep with my betta? I've grown quite attached to my corys...
- My 29gallon has a heater, and it seems to switch on and off randomly to maintain temperature. Does it do this on a timer of sorts or does it detect the temperature of the water? Will a heater meant for a larger tank work in a smaller one?
- I am aware I will be getting rid of most my fish for the switch, but I was wondering if there are ANY fish that I will be able to keep with my betta? I've grown quite attached to my corys...