Swim Bladder Issue


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2012
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One of my red eye tetras has been suffering with what I would assume is a swim bladder problem for over a week. Laying on his side at the bottom of the tank, unable to swim in a normal way. He's still fairly healthy otherwise, eating and pooping and moving around. I have been treating him with Interpet #13, swim bladder treatment for over a week now but he is showing absolutely no sign of improvement. Is it time for him to get his affairs in order before I administer the 'final' treatment?
Well, if he is not getting better at all, then it's not the right treatment. Why do you think the fish has swim bladder disease? Give him blanched and peeled peas to eat for swim bladder. It could be internal bacterial infection, or even parasites. Is he/she pooping properly?, any discoloured/stringy poop, any scratching, etc...Is he getting thinner, curved back?
Well, if he is not getting better at all, then it's not the right treatment. Why do you think the fish has swim bladder disease? Give him blanched and peeled peas to eat for swim bladder. It could be internal bacterial infection, or even parasites. Is he/she pooping properly?, any discoloured/stringy poop, any scratching, etc...Is he getting thinner, curved back?
I assumed it was a swim bladder problem because he swims upside down or sideways and can't go anywhere but the surface or the bottom of the tank. Apart from that he is still quite healthy. He was a bit picked on by the Discus whilst he was floundering in the big tank, but since moving to isolation he has recovered from that and his fins have grown back nicely. I would have thought if he had some sort of parasite or infection he would be showing signs of deterioration in other ways.
This is the first time I have had health issues with any of my fish, so you'll have to bear with me and my lack of medicating experience.
I am no expert either, just asked why because a lot of diseases exhibit the same signs. Try feeding him peas then, blanched, peeled and chopped small enough for him to eat it. If he is recovering from the torn fins, then he isn't feeling too bad and is a good sign that it's going well. After finishing the meds, just keep the water clean and he may eventually recover completely. It takes time for them to fight off whatever had caused it in the first place so one week is not long enough to see miracles
Just popped down my LFS, quite helpful bunch down there. Someone suggested dosing with salt if the meds aren't working. I'll give him another week and see how it goes. Thanks for your input snazy.

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