Superfish Betta Box


Fish Herder
Feb 4, 2013
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Went to a garden centre today and saw two males in the same chamber of one of these products. One of the males was beaten up, but as the other one was then flaring at another male in the tank it was then being ignored. I advised the employee and he came immediately to sort them out, resulting in another male escaping into the aquarium to square up with the male already having escaped this contraption!

As I looked at it further I noted there was a gap that the fish were able to get through, which you can see in this image.

I am generally impressed with this companies products but was appalled with this product, not only for the reasons above but also as it was for sale for those with little knowledge to put these fish into these awful containers.

I explained to the employee the importance of all in the hobby trying to educate people that this is no way to keep these fish, let alone the issues of the fish getting into each other's chambers! I also advised him to look up the cruelty video on YouTube about how these beautiful fish are stored in cups within a large store chain in the US so many deep that they just die!

In fairness to the employee he took the product off the shelf, and said he would return it to the supplier.

I would suggest as many as possible contact the supplier requesting removal of this product from the market. Interestingly it has some good reviews, I will most likely be adding one to help educate people!

As I stated earlier in this post, this company makes many excellent products, many of which I own, this however is not one of their better ideas!

Mods, I was unsure whether to put this in product reviews, however I was interested in others views and the reviews section does not allow for such.

Thoughts from other Betta lovers?
I also advised him to look up the cruelty video on YouTube about how these beautiful fish are stored in cups within a large store chain in the US so many deep that they just die!
I saw that video almost made me cry. My betta lives in a big 2 foot tank  and he is on his own.
Indeed, it is scarey how they are treated as living creatures. I feel all we can do is continue to educate and advise that this is no way to keep ANY fish. Even here in the UK I was in an established LFS and heard someone ask if the could keep a Betta in a vase, the response was "yes, some people do that!". When LFS staff know so much about water quality, why oh why would they state such a fact just to gain a sale? So very sad. Today with the Internet we have opportunities to change such cruelty through education, rather than just rant and rave about the injustice. Just as I had proposed that a Betta Care Sheet was written up, yet did not get chance, kindly Wildbetta did it (thanks once again) so now, this can be used to assist in educating others.

I guess I should write a letter of praise to the manager of the said Garden Centre that their staff member, listened and removed the potentially damaging item from sale
I guess I should write a letter of praise to the manager of the said Garden Centre that their staff member, listened and removed the potentially damaging item from sale
That would be a great idea, See if you can email him with a link to this thread. The LFS I go to is quiet honest and gives good advice, He is a bit expensive however I live in a country town and everything is. He is also a fish fancier and has a number of nano tanks all set up with bettas in them strictly not for sale, He practices what he preaches, He wont sell you anything he isn't using himself, He is a salesman and a good 1 but if you ask for XXXX and YYYY is cheaper and better he will tell you so, and you can bet he uses it. He will also come to your house and duplicate one of his tanks, Filtration, Cycling and fish of your choice for a price, and a 5 gal nano starts at AUD 1000. There are no betta bowls in his shop 5 gallon minimum, No plastic plants or ornaments, Its all rock driftwood plants filtration and healthy fish.
Just wanted to share that about my local LFS and show there are good guys out there.
I would suggest as many as possible contact the supplier requesting removal of this product from the market. Interestingly it has some good reviews, I will most likely be adding one to help educate people!
Will do.
As you can see I mistreat my little guy.
Ha, I can see how "unhappy" your guy is for sure Only those of us who have really understood these magnificent fish are able to really advise the joy you have when they are content and happy. Interacting with you constantly and entertaining us with their antics too.

Sounds like you have a good LFS, good to hear down under as I know that there are not as many for you to choose from. Which part of Australia are you in?
Northern Rivers NSW

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