Super Angry


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2009
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Shropshire, UK
Well it looks like my neice has been messing with my fish tank as there are a load of deep 12 - 14 inch scratches on the outside of the glass. How im going to deal with this without looking like the bad guy I have no idea. Shes 7 or 8 so she should know better by now surely. Deep deep breaths.
Tonym said:
Its a glass tank.
Wow, does she have access to a diamond or something?
I can't think of a way to even deliberately scratch the outside of my my glass tank that badly without a glass cutter....
Yeah, I would be so livid. I wouldn't even care if I looked like the bad guy, but honestly if people knew how much time and effort we put in our tanks and still thought it was no big deal, then they would get a talking to as well.
Jeremy180 said:
Its a glass tank.
Wow, does she have access to a diamond or something?
I can't think of a way to even deliberately scratch the outside of my my glass tank that badly without a glass cutter....
Ive got one of those magnetic floating algae scrapper pads. Im thinking something has been put between the two pads.
Sounds like possible vandalism to me, so speaking to the issue of being the "bad guy" Would you rather your niece learn from you (or her parents, whichever your family decides is more appropriate here) now what is and is not acceptable bevavior, or would you rather she learn it from the police in about 5 to 10 years?
If it was an accident then fine, she is just a kid after all, but it's something to keep in mind IMO.
I guess you do have to speak to her, and if her parents don't pay for a fix/new tank, I know the cheapskate route.

Turn the tank around. The problem with this is that you know it's there and it will probably annoy you. I'm not sure about this, though.
Are you able to turn the tank around to have the scratches in the back?
Mark Z. said:
Are you able to turn the tank around to have the scratches in the back?
Can't turn it around im afraid it has fixed inlets and outlets for the filter.
Jeremy180 said:
Sounds like possible vandalism to me, so speaking to the issue of being the "bad guy" Would you rather your niece learn from you (or her parents, whichever your family decides is more appropriate here) now what is and is not acceptable bevavior, or would you rather she learn it from the police in about 5 to 10 years?
If it was an accident then fine, she is just a kid after all, but it's something to keep in mind IMO.
Well tried to bring it up got accused of being unreasonable (literally just mentioned it and not to the kid either). Families for you. All I know is if i had done that when I was a nipper I would have got the telling off and the slapping of a life time. How times have changed.
I think the only way to deal with this now is to punch out the majority of my teeth, lower my IQ to below 75 and appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show. The episode could be called "Your devil's spawn has ruined my fish tank".
If the scratches aren't too deep you can still polish them out. Glass is obviously a lot harder to do than acrylic, but still doable.
I would consider getting the parents of the kid to do the polishing. That'll be a few hours of work they won't forget.
I once had to stop a child from banging my goldfish tank. Half the time they don't think, but the parents ought to have respect for other people's property. It might be just a glass box to them but maybe they'd be just as upset if you went and scratched their Mercedes.Being the rebellious type that I am, I would ban the glass-scratching niece from my house, even it upsets the parents; although my name would be mud for a while, I don't doubt.
I once had to stop a child from banging my goldfish tank. Half the time they don't think, but the parents ought to have respect for other people's property. It might be just a glass box to them
Banging on the " Glass box " could cause it to shatter and cover the child in broken glass.
twintanks said:
I once had to stop a child from banging my goldfish tank. Half the time they don't think, but the parents ought to have respect for other people's property. It might be just a glass box to them but maybe they'd be just as upset if you went and scratched their Mercedes.Being the rebellious type that I am, I would ban the glass-scratching niece from my house, even it upsets the parents; although my name would be mud for a while, I don't doubt.
It wouldn't surprise me if she had been banging on it as well. The tank cost me a bomb its a 6ftx2ftx2ft cost me well over £1000 for tank and stand. Its stocked with very skittish fish e.g a couple of large Pike Cichlids 10-11 Inches, a shoal of 10 full grown Silver dollars 6 Inches each, Full grown feather fin Cat 7 Inches. and a Synodontis Decorus which is full grown 10-11 inches when these fish get scared they clatter around the tank doing all sorts of damage to themselves. There is also a full grown GT but that's not scared of anything. I got the its Christmas it just a fish tank defence. Basically I got told to wind my neck in.

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