Fish Aficionado
Hello All! I've just got my first corys yesterday afternoon and they are crazy active, I didn't expect this lol. Is it normal? I mean they are flying all over the place up and down the glass - I hope it just means they are having a good time in their new home but I just thought they would mostly nose around the bottom of the tank.
They are sterbai cory and I've got three of them, they are still really small maybe 1.5". The tank is 48L has been fishless cycled and their only other tankmates are 6 porkchop rasbora who I also got yesterday. The three are mostly sticking together but not all the time and they are eating well.
I'm probably just being paranoid because they are new
In the LFS they were sitting in the bottom of the tank not moving a muscle and when I first got them in my tank it took them about 40 minutes to start exploring but since then they have acted like they are on speed!
And because everyone loves pictures:
They are sterbai cory and I've got three of them, they are still really small maybe 1.5". The tank is 48L has been fishless cycled and their only other tankmates are 6 porkchop rasbora who I also got yesterday. The three are mostly sticking together but not all the time and they are eating well.
I'm probably just being paranoid because they are new
And because everyone loves pictures: