Super Active Corydoras


Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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Hello All! I've just got my first corys yesterday afternoon and they are crazy active, I didn't expect this lol. Is it normal? I mean they are flying all over the place up and down the glass - I hope it just means they are having a good time in their new home but I just thought they would mostly nose around the bottom of the tank.

They are sterbai cory and I've got three of them, they are still really small maybe 1.5". The tank is 48L has been fishless cycled and their only other tankmates are 6 porkchop rasbora who I also got yesterday. The three are mostly sticking together but not all the time and they are eating well.

I'm probably just being paranoid because they are new :p In the LFS they were sitting in the bottom of the tank not moving a muscle and when I first got them in my tank it took them about 40 minutes to start exploring but since then they have acted like they are on speed!

And because everyone loves pictures:



Not an expert but my corys when not foraging, seem to enjoy playing tag along the front glass in the filter current.
This is absolutely normal behaviour when they are moved to a new tank. It means they like it :lol:
The only time I would worry with corys is when they are still, hiding and isolating themselves from all other fish.
Excellent, I just love them! I wish I had room for more!
Beautiful fish, and often stupidly overpriced (£12.99 each / 3 for £35 in my local this weekend :crazy: )

The increased activity will probably die down after the first few days as they settle. They're normally sussing out the tank, and what else lives in it.

I probably wouldnt have gone for Sterbai in a 48ltr though. Perhaps C.Panda/Hasbrosus/Pygmaeus, so you could get a decent number of them.

Also, i think your "Espei's" are infact "Hengeli". Common mistake by LFS to poorly identify differences in Trigonostigma Espi, Hengeli and the more common Heteromorpha . Espi tend to have a more pink/red colour.
Beautiful fish, and often stupidly overpriced (£12.99 each / 3 for £35 in my local this weekend :crazy: )

The increased activity will probably die down after the first few days as they settle. They're normally sussing out the tank, and what else lives in it.

I probably wouldnt have gone for Sterbai in a 48ltr though. Perhaps C.Panda/Hasbrosus/Pygmaeus, so you could get a decent number of them.

Also, i think your "Espei's" are infact "Hengeli". Common mistake by LFS to poorly identify differences in Trigonostigma Espi, Hengeli and the more common Heteromorpha . Espi tend to have a more pink/red colour.

Thanks, yeah these were £7.00 each but they are juveniles so maybe that's the explanation for a lower price than you normally see. I had noticed that the rasboras weren't as red as in pictures I'd seen on the internet - so thank you for that bit of info.

I know I've gone off the beaten path with my corys BUT (and there always is one :p) 1) I have no self control 2) These are babies and with a little bit of luck I'll have a 130L tank in about 6 months time and then I'll be getting plenty more! :hyper:

I know I'm not in the head of these little guys but they do seem so happy in this tank, it would take a lot to convince me otherwise! I do really appreciate your input though - I'm just one of these stubborn know-it-all types :hey:
Hi Mowbz since my last post I did a quick google of hengeli rasbora and I've noticed that a few different looking fish come up in the results. SO one of my rasbora looks like this:

The other 5 look like this:

But are they all still hengeli? The one that looks a little different does still school with the others however I have noticed that it does it's own thing a bit more than any of the others...thanks!
I think I am having the same issue with my rasboras. It seems they see the basic marking and label them all the same.
beautiful fish there nice :D, but yes i have 15 cory's and about 70% of the time mine are hiding in my caves and plants but every now and then usually late evening they love playing along the front of the glass looks wired i was worried at first but sit back and watch there amazing :D watching 8 or so cores squabble over one food pellet is so funny also :D
beautiful fish there nice :D, but yes i have 15 cory's and about 70% of the time mine are hiding in my caves and plants but every now and then usually late evening they love playing along the front of the glass looks wired i was worried at first but sit back and watch there amazing :D watching 8 or so cores squabble over one food pellet is so funny also :D

Yes! They definitely get more "manic" at night lol
Active corys are usually happy corys but if they start swimming oddly & jumping at the top of the water that's a bad sign.
I've lost two recently for no apparent reason
When I was brand new to fishkeeping I had no clue about Corys. I chose them because they were so active in the LFS, they were and out of the moment buy. I have never looked back (obviously did lots of reading up on them afterwards). They are mad, in a good way. Enjoy yours, they look cute!
Active corys are usually happy corys but if they start swimming oddly & jumping at the top of the water that's a bad sign.
I've lost two recently for no apparent reason

I agree. Corys are quite active when happy. If not flying around the tank like mad lunatics, they would be at least digging the substrate constantly. If they are hiding most of the time or staying still in caves and corners then there is a problem in my opinion and experience.
Late reply but I've just got 5 sterbai and yup they're bonkers! Darting round every inch of the tank! Sometimes they stick together other times they're flying around on their own, was going to ask if this was normal but obviously is!

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