Sand will be much easier to deal with when trying to catch shrimp out later, speaking from experience shrimp have an annoying knack of getting down into gravel while your trying to catch/ remove them. Also when you take a scoop with a net you end up with gravel in the net, with sand at least you can sift out the sand if the net is not too fine a mesh.
Depending on what top dwellers you end up going with, you could try some of the dedicated shrimp substrates, from memory they buffer the pH and gH. The main problem I think there is with shrimp soils is that they do deplete and need replacing at least I think from memory every year.
Also when adding fish to a shrimp tank I would always have the shrimp first and ensure they are multiplying before adding fish. Almost all fish with the possible exception of otocinclus will view shrimplets and sometimes adult shrimp as food.
Also with fish added keep in mind that it will make it incredibly hard to medicate the tank at a later date if needs be. Almost all medications will contain copper which will poison inverts.
With the shrimp you could look at adding some nice or unusual snails, Giant Ramshorns look nice and some of the trapdoor snails are also interesting as are almost any of the Sulawesi snails.