Suggestions Please


Fish Herder
Feb 1, 2005
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looking for some suggestions for what to put in my tank scape wise.will be keeping redmoor root in the centre of tank,prob take out the bogwood that is too the left and right of tank which is covered in bogwood.
I'd move the Redmoor to the back left corner, it would look epic there with some Crypts, Anubias or similar plants around the base & some Java Moss attached to the individual branches...........
I would look for another similar piece of Redmoor to go along with that piece.  Adding a different kind of wood might take away from the look IMO.

Oh, and the grasses that're planted along the side would look better spread out less evenly but in a patch leading up to the Crypts, Anubias, or whatever you put around the base of the wood.
the grasses aroud the front is just plantlets from the mother echindorus mother plant i have,just never bothered removing them.this is going to be my final attempt to re-kindle my interest in fish keeping,it is two pieces of redmoor together.      
   the floating plant is  Phyllanthus Fluitans

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