Suggestions For Stocking A 10G?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2013
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Hey everyone! Just looking to see peoples opinions on stocking a 10g tank. Was given one today and a 30g is the smallest tank I've owned. Curious what kinds of setups do well, and if there are any kinds of fish that could be bred. I'm using my 30-long for fry. (Rams and baby snails currently)
These are the fish I'm interested in currently:
Panda Cories
Cherry Barbs
New to all of the fish listed above, but I'll take all suggestions into consideration! Thanks!
I would choose either platies or guppies and get about 5 and have about 5 panda cories. Cherry barbs and pencil fish are not good for 10 gallon
Yeah I've decided on guppies. Going with 2 males and 5 females, picking up a .5g out-of-tank breeding box with filter for newborn fry and using my brothers 20-long for month old fry. What kind of fish could I keep with month old or older guppies in the 20-long? Most likely another shoal of cories, but could I keep any other smaller peaceful fish with them? Or would it be better to leave them by themselves.
That's what I would've done. Only I would've got all males. They are more colorful and if you get a mix it will overstock a 10 gallon in 2-3 weeks. I think with 7 guppies you could do 4 cories. if you add a decent school ( 7+ ) it would overstock it.
Yeah I'm aiming for 4 panda cories. Reason for the mix is I'm purposely breeding them. I have a divider that can be used if needed, the 20-long for fry and the out-of-tank breeder box, so hopefully between those I'll have enough space to hold fry for a month and a half, then bringing them in to my LFS.
Wow, your lfs will take guppies?
One here just had a sale, buy a male get a female free.
And I would go for something like cory hasbrosus in a 10 gal. Not much of a footprint for proper corys.
I wish my LFS took back guppies. They only take the larger stuff like cichlids or some other expensive fish.
You could get a betta and give him live food ;)

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