Suggestions for centerpiece fish


Sep 5, 2004
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Hey all,

Looking for some suggestions for a centerpiece fish. 27 gallon wide tank, gravel substrate, currently there are 6 full grown platys and a whole load of platy fry in it. I'll be giving away most of the platy fry when they get a bit bigger (leaving no more than 8 platys), and I'm considering getting a bristlenose for the bottom of the tank.

I'm looking for suggestions for a centerpiece fish, and also an alternative to the bristlenose for the bottom. I like the look of the bettas, but I'm a bit concerned that the platys will nip at it. For the bristlenose alternative I have no ideas, I like the sailfin plecs but they grow way too big for my tank. I want to decide this now rather than later when my tank may be close to max stock and so not enough room for the fish I want.

All suggestions appreciated, oh and if anyone is interested in some platy fry (prob a month or 2 before they're big enough) then let me know.

How big is the tank? and cories will do nicely for the bottom ^^ I always throw this suggestion out because I liek them - angelfish make good center piece fish, and they attact attention from anyone who sees them. If you're looknig for something more the size of your platies, a really colorful male guppy might do well... ^.^
Butterfly fish...
Pair of rams...

Are you going for one big fish or could a pair work?

Not sure if you have to worry about the guppies nipping the betta. Chances are it would be the other way around.
Well I've settled on an L18 Gold Nugget plec for the bottom. I quite like cories, but the wife prefers the plec.

I can't get an angelfish, the tank isn't big enough. I don't like gouramis...

Now, I like the rams, they're nice. And wow, I've never seen a butterfly before if you mean this - Butterfly

I love the look of those. Only problem is the minimum tank size is 100 gallon, so mine is way too small...

Tempestuous, I don't have any guppies yet. Did you mean I don't have to worry about the platy's nipping the betta? If a betta would get along fine, I'll probably go for one of them.
A red-tailed shark. hey grow to about 6 inches.
Def said:
Well I've settled on an L18 Gold Nugget plec for the bottom.
Make sure you water quality is tip-top :) . These little guys are really suseptible to bad water quality or mini-spikes of Ammonia & NitrIte. In my LFS's opinion they're one of the most fragile plecs. I've lost two of these guys, one due to water quality (the other got stuck under a rock - did I say they're a little stupid too :p ).

Good luck if you get one, they really stand out :D
Hm, I like that shark too. That's another potential option. MTS is beginning to set in, we were thinking about another tropical tank but now we're looking at big marine options :D . Just hope the floor can support it :unsure:

Hrm, I got totally the wrong butterfly fish there. That was clever of me :D

Jordan, UK, so doesn't look like you'll be able to have them. I found a local shop that will take some for store credit, but no idea how many they'll take (I have loads). I'll post another thread when they're a bit bigger and if the shop won't take them all (I'll be giving them away).

Thanks for the suggestions!

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