Suddenly Startled Endlers


New Member
Jul 9, 2012
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Sorry about this being my very first thread, but although I always intend to sign up to a forum and be part of a community I never seem to find the time. But today I had to find the time and ask for some advice. I hope you don't mind, and I will be introducing myself properly later too!

So here's the deal...

I have one active "box" aquarium in the kitchen on top of the fridge. It's a great little tank that pretty much cares for itself and just needs a little pruning and cleaning every couple of weeks. I have a great community of Endlers in there and have had them being happy and contented for about five years. It's just them and some snails (which suddenly reappeared in the last month).

Of course, the Endlers breed like rabbits, but they seem to keep themselves at a stable community level (I'm one of those who believes in letting nature take its course in balancing a community wherever possible).

Like I said, they're a happy bunch, and they're friendly too. They always come to front when they see someone, expecting food. They never school, and they've never seemed "skittish" in any way.

I've fed them already today, and they were fine.

I just went downstairs again to make a coffee and they were all schooling in the bottom left of the tank. I approached thinking maybe they were getting ready to eat some newborns or something (not nice, but lets face it it's what they do and it keeps the community under control).

They immediately panicked. And I mean I have never seen them acting in this way before. They're darting from one side to the other, hiding behind plants, actively trying to get away from any movement outside the tank. They're almost jumping out of the water if I get too close.

Like I said, in five years of having them, I have never seen them schooling, and I have never seen them acting in this way. I don't think Endlers are exactly known for schooling anyway, in a mixed community or not.

We don't have any other pets other than a dog, and he definitely wouldn't be responsible for scaring them. No one else has been near the aquarium today. Nothing has changed today, and I am at a complete loss as to what has caused this behavior.

I've turned out the light, and I'm thinking about taking the water level down to stop any high-jumpers from being lemmings.

Does anyone know what could have possibly done this, or have you experienced this unexplained panic in any of your communities before? I really am a little concerned about it, just because it's so out of the ordinary.

Anyway, thanks for any help you can give. I will be back to say hi properly and get involved. :good:
Welcome to the forum fluffiebuggie.
I have also kept endlers for many years and what you describe makes no sense at all to me. I have simply never seen it in a tank that has not been disturbed. If I have been netting fish to sell the excess,v they becpme skittish for an hour or so but not when I leave them alone.

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