Sud i put my betta out of her missary ?

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Feb 26, 2004
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Shoreham, West sussex, UK
i had another post that hardly ne1 replied to abt the whole tank having things, alot of u read it, 1 or 2 replied.

well now she looks dead, being pushed all ova the tank by the current

only has use of 1 side fin, as the other is covered in rot and fungas, sticking it to her side.

i have read abt euthenisa, and have got advice frm the shop.

he told me to put her in a bag, n hit it against a wall as hard as i cud to make it quick 4 her.

ive treated the tank with melafix, then she suddenly got worse, so treated her with eSHa 2000 fin rot (the double dose as reccomended by the package for very ill fish)

she hasnt got better, and i now feel guilty for letting her live being blown around the tank
if you think there is absolutely no chance she will survive than yes maybe you should. But i don't think you should slam her against the wall. She may not die all the way. Personally i can't offer better solutions, but that just doesn't sound right to me.
Nina7777 said:
if you think there is absolutely no chance she will survive than yes maybe you should. But i don't think you should slam her against the wall. She may not die all the way. Personally i can't offer better solutions, but that just doesn't sound right to me.
i cnt do it myself, i wud have to ask my dad, but i still dnt wana do it.

she sinks n then uses all her energy 2 get to the top whicvh only lasts a few seconds n then she sinks, gets blown all ova the tank, and then struggles again.

this site says that i wud have to remove the brain, i just cant do this, but i can tell she is suffering.

i have been on the fone most of the day 2 the store that i orignally got her from, and they told me how 2 do it, but i cnt do it.

it just seems cruel to keep her alive wen she has abt a 3% chance of survival
do you have a net breeder you could put her in? Or a bowl even? Something with nice calm water? Have you tried aquarium salt, and fungus tabs by jungle green? My betta had mouth rot and looked as if he were on deaths door, I put in alot of salt and these tabs and to this day he is still going strong. I feel for you, I wouldn't be able to do it either. I say just put her in a large bowl or fish breeder, so she can rest. At least you would have given her a chance.
Carolinesugar, Man I feel for you. :-( I wouldn't have the heart to do it either. I say don't give up on her. Talk to her tell her to hang in their. Aw, I am heart broken. "Come on girl hang in there, you can make it." *Talking to fish*
Nina7777 said:
do you have a net breeder you could put her in? Or a bowl even? Something with nice calm water? Have you tried aquarium salt, and fungus tabs by jungle green? My betta had mouth rot and looked as if he were on deaths door, I put in alot of salt and these tabs and to this day he is still going strong. I feel for you, I wouldn't be able to do it either. I say just put her in a large bowl or fish breeder, so she can rest. At least you would have given her a chance.
i have put her in the breeding net, but she is floating more or less, then sinking again.

i started off this morning finding my other female betta dead, so moved this 1 2 the hospital tank, (most my tanks had problems, hospital and community, so i didnt no wot 2 do)

i treated the tank with melafix this morning, cus i wasnt sure of wot she had, then i found that it was deffinately mouth rot. she is in very bad shape, cnt stay uprite, cant hardly swim (only tail dorsal and right side fin work.) she has fungas all ova her that has developed ova the space of the day, she has clouded ova eyes.

i wanted her to survive, the shop has been so helpful, i mean ive been on fone all day asking wot i can do, then just b4 they shut i foned n asked if worse came to the worse wot i cud do to help her out.

she goes upside down, then flips, but she is gettin tired of this, and getting weaker.

help ?!
Synastic said:
Carolinesugar, Man I feel for you. :-( I wouldn't have the heart to do it either. I say don't give up on her. Talk to her tell her to hang in their. Aw, I am heart broken. "Come on girl hang in there, you can make it." *Talking to fish*
she looks dead, so i go 2 get her out, then she flips, im sat hear in tears, i mean i dnt wana see her suffer, but i cnt bring myself to end it 4 her. sud i ask my dad 2 do it ? i am 99% sure she will die within the nxt few hours if not sooner
Synastic said:
Sooooooooooooo sorry to hear that..... :-( :-( :-(

We are here for you Carolinesugar. :flowers:
im moving the breeder up so less distance to go 2 get 2 the top.

the 2 gouramis in the hospital tank keep pushin the bottom of the breeder, tryna give her a boast 2 the top
ohhhhhh this is soooo sad! I am sooo sorry. I wouldn't do it yourself. Just let her be. If its her time it will happen soon enough.

I am sorry to hear you are having soo many problems.

It is an awful feeling when a fish is sick or hurt and you feel so helpless, but you did everything you could do, just let nature take its course. :byebye:
Nina7777 said:
ohhhhhh this is soooo sad! I am sooo sorry. I wouldn't do it yourself. Just let her be. If its her time it will happen soon enough.

I am sorry to hear you are having soo many problems.

It is an awful feeling when a fish is sick or hurt and you feel so helpless, but you did everything you could do, just let nature take its course. :byebye:
i wish i had managed to help her on her way, but shes dead now, an theres nothing i can do. :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:
euthanasia, no good slamming her against the wall this would not be right, as you need to kill the brain instantly for a no pain method, so yes in a bag but hit her with a hammer i know it sound bad but she will die instantly, now this is if you 100% she wont make it i have had fish like that and with love and care, and she may well make it its very sad when they go but if she is over two yrs then there may be nothing you can do but just keep trying.........

well u can try this but it might not work
put her in a jar and add the treatment with a little bit of salt to
do u have a pic so i can c how far gone the fine rot is?

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