Substrate Suggestions?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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Hey all. I've had planted aquariums for a while, but my sorority project is going to be more densely planted than I've ever done before, so I have a few questions.

First, my plant list is not final (I'm open to suggestions here, as well), but I need to know if I should add CO2 for the density of plants I'm hoping to achieve.

Second, should I get a specific plant nutrient substrate? If yes, would it be recommended for me to top of the lower substrate with gravel? The gravel would be added after the plants have been rooted in the soil.

Third, I need some nutrient rich soil, what brand? Or can I makes own to save money?

Twenty gallon long:
Dwarf baby tears
Jungle Val
Java fern
Java moss
Several anubias species including nana and taller varieties I don't know the names of
Dwarf amazon swords
Two pieces Mopani wood

Obviously some of these plants will be attached to my wood and my cave structures. I may also be adding more plants to this list as I get my tank set up, but this is my list of most likely plants. Any other suggestions would be great. I'll be doing multiples of each of these plants.
I use this stuff

Its very light which is great for small root growth and large root growth, It's also soft and smooth so any fish can enjoy it. I'd recommend it for any plant.
i  now using playsand from lowes looks good and works great for its cheap price
I've used play sand before, but I don't know if I want to use it for this tank. If I go with a nutrient substrate, then I think play sand would be too small of a grain to keep the substrates from mixing. Does that make sense?

Techen, what's the name of that product? I can't read the label. Also, would I be able to use it as my whole substrate? I think it say... Nutrasoil, but I can't make it out too well. Wonder if I could find it at PetsMart took at it.
yea i guess it makes sense maybe you should go with aquarium sand then 
ncguppy830 said:
yea i guess it makes sense maybe you should go with aquarium sand then
I'm not doing sand at all. I'm either doing all plant substrate or plant substrate at the bottom with a light layer of gravel over the top.
Usually about £14 for 3 litres AquaGrow NutraSoil available in black or brown, It has a texture of 3-5 mm pellets

I like JBL Aquabasis plus £14 for 5 litres
My LFS Offers CaribSea FloraMax substrate and (online only) Seachem Flourite. I'm looking at the Nutrasoil, but I'm having trouble figuring out if these places will ship across the pond. It doesn't seem to be sold in the states.
seachem flourite dark? mr aqua plant soil? there are many to choose from.ADA amazoinia soil would be your best bet

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