Stupid Stupid Thermometers!


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2012
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Hi, I really hope you can help, I brought a betta digital thermometer which worked well for a few months, I have my heater on 24 and it almost always showed that apart from when the temprature dipped etc, but then all of a sudden it didnt work anymore, I changed the battery tons of times so I guess maybe somehow water got in or something, so next I went for this as it stays outside thought be a better Idea, flipping thing, it goes off all the time like there is a loose connection and reads 26.5 and im sure that cant be right, so now what? please can you advise me of a good one? thanks x
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I have one of those in one of my tanks, might not be that exact one but very similar, so far it's been OK, not sure how long I have had it but been a while and not changed the battery yet either.
That's why I use old-fashioned glass thermometers. I've heard the digital ones don't always last very long. Hope you find something that works better.
i have that one, its a bit off, i also have a glass one aswell becuase i dont fully trust it
All this talk about thermometers, I also have some digital ones that go inside the tank and they attach by a sucker, they seem ok except for one thing.
The suckers are not much good I keep finding them floating, I stick them back to the glass and next time I look they are floating again.
I need to get some decent suckers that fit and try those.

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