techen said:
Half of them are being rehomed? I would do like 80% of them
Really need to relook stocking ideas, Am abit confused why there's a gold fish in there lol.
Also, There's no such thing as a mini plecs. The smallest of plecs are bristlenoses and the rest are pretty much commons that grow huge no matter what people tell you.
Not entirely true. There's also loads of other dwarf varieties but I get what your saying.
Anyways, your stocking has flaws.
I will point out these flaws:
The fish in my tank are
4 pleco ( 2 are mini plecs they dont grow very big ) - what are the species? If you start a thread on it in the Pleco catfish section someone can tell you.
3 clown loach- these will out grow your tank
2 shubunkies ( being rehoused )- good these are being rehomed, do it quick though
Goldfish ( being rehoused )- as above
Albino red tipped shark- may get nasty eventually
Black red tipped shark- may get nasty Eventually
3 clown loach- these will outgrow your tank
Guppies- how many?
Danios- how many? What kind?
Platys- how many?
Mollies- how many?
Upside down catfish- needs a bigger school.6+
Rainbow fish- needs a bigger school 6+
Siamese fighter- will probably be killedby other fish eventually. He will kill some of the other fish too probably.
Indian gourami- is this the giant 2 foot one or the 4 inch one?