Strange Stuff On Plant... Plus Wierd Looking Plant...


Fish Crazy
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, England

Question #1 - I've had this Anubias plant for a while, the roots are attached to the bogwood now which I'm chuffed about, one leave has had a small hole in it for a while but I've noticed the last few days this brown stuff on 2 of the leaves, you can rub it off with your hands but it isn't easy.

Couple of pictures below;



Question #2

I've bought a few new plants from KittKat recently, and a few of them have what appear to be 'roots' growing out of them in all manner of places! Picture below;


Any advice on this?


1) Brown algae, not uncommon.. usual solutions are Otos (small pleco-type fish, but not actually plecos.. also considered to be quite fragile).. I've never had it, so maybe someone else would be able to help better

2) Your plants love you.. can you live with that? ;) You can take cuttings by cutting the stem half way between the place where the roots come out and the first leaf below it, if you want to get some more ground cover. It will encourage the bottom half original plant to spread wider.. but might be worth waiting a few more weeks to let the plants settle in well before taking cuttings!

How are the fish doing?
Hey Kitt Kat!! :)

Just a clean up as a few dead leaves etc! and re-planting some of the floating plants... a couple just don't want to stay in the substrate!!

I'll see what others say on Brown Algae then, I have some cory's - don't they eat algea??

Fish are all good thanks, the glowlights have such a strong colour now they look fantastic, I just fed them with 1 algea waffer and all 20 fish are crowding round to get there piece, it's great to watch!! :D ooo I feel a photo coming on!!
Not very good with the camera lol, anyone have tips for taking photos?? :)

Couple of pictures though, I know I said I cleaned the tank but it was just removing the floating leaves etc... I do my W/C and proper clean on Sunday which will make it look a nicer (and remove the gunk in that filter!! (I feel bad!)



Good news on the cuttings Kitty Kat, will give them a week or 2 to make sure they actually stay put in the subtrate and then hopefully increase their numbers!! :D I got some fertilisers too, EasyCarbo and ProFito :)
There is no ammonia in the tank (tested yesterday evening)

The tank has a massive turn over, it's a 55L tank with a Fluval U3 and a 101F.

Light is on for about.... *checks timer* 12 hours... just reduced to 7 hours.


The amount needed to trigger this type of algae is so small our test kits cannot pick up on them. Do 50% water changes every day and drop the lighting to 4 hours a day for 2 weeks and then work it up to eight over a period of 2 weeks, in small increments.

You know what, when I did my W/C last week I accidently left the filters off for 3-4 hours (do'h) - maube it was a knock on effect from the little ammonia that built up, I did notice it shortly after that I think!

I'll be doing my W/C's on Sunday so will do a nice big one and then keep the lights low for a while as you suggest!

im pretty sure cories wont eat any actual growing algae, however my old ones love to eat 50shrimp50algae pellets
otos would certainly eat that right up. folks say they are sensitive, but i have never had that experience with them. i actually find them rather hardy (maybe i got lucky?-more than a few times :)
you seem to have plenty of plants for them, and some wood. they always have algae on them, even if we cant se it. id try a few out. if they are getting enough to eat they have nice plump little pot-bellies. theyshould not look skinny, even when you get them from lfs. and they like to poop a LOT- another good indicator they are getting enough food. if you notice them without pot bellies, or see less/no poop (there poop os obvious- very small, and lots of it-mostly green depending on which algae is plentiful in the tank/on plants). if you notice they dont have bellies and dont see lots of poop, just suppliment their diet. with lots of plants, you wont have to do this. and over time, the wood will grow some algae for them too. i would suggest not cleaning the back glass either and leave it for them.
otos are a wonderful addition to any planted tank, and are nice, small additions to a tank. one of my favorite fish :)

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